Then the Lord said to Daniel; Where is your brother Eric?
#AdventUs “While they were out on the sidewalk, Daniel attacked his brother Eric and killed him. Then the Lord said to Daniel, ‘Where is your brother Eric?’ ‘I do not know,’ he replied, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?'” Genesis 4:8&9 reinterpreted
Continue reading “Then the Lord said to Daniel; Where is your brother Eric?”
And so, it begins…
#AdventUs “At the time that was a marker for the beginning of His reign, the God of everything formed and gave meaning to all that was chaos.” Genesis 1:1 (paraphrased)
Or; as most people have heard it, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Continue reading “And so, it begins…”
Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!
#AdventUs “Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!'” Mark 1:3 (paraphrased)
I didn’t get this verse at all at first. Mostly because I kept hearing “Behold he comes, riding on the clouds” over and over in my head. It’s one of those earworms of a song that’s just chock full of Christianese that not many people really truly understand. Continue reading “Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!”
Live Art DC, Auctions, and Hacks
I’m half motivated, have second-guessing my art.
I just got back from an art auction for a theater company in Washington DC. Lorraine Imwold was the one who got me to go down. I went down with Tamika and Edward Williams and Harper Fitzsimmons. Continue reading “Live Art DC, Auctions, and Hacks”
Flying back from Vancouver
April 3, 2014
So I’m sitting here stuck on an airplane.
I’m flying back to Baltimore from Vancouver. It’s a 3 and a half hour flight. I told myself that I would upgrade to a economy class on any flight over 4 hours, but it may need to lower that to 3. Continue reading “Flying back from Vancouver”
Chinese Food, Christmas, and Getting Ready for a Trip
Sitting at a table at the Golden Gate Chinese restaurant near our house, waiting for our order. There are much better chinese food places, but the food is cheap here… Continue reading “Chinese Food, Christmas, and Getting Ready for a Trip”
Lansdale – North Wales – Philadelphia – Newark – Los Angeles – Santa Monica
We made it to California!
I’m sitting in a Cafe in Santa Monica, trying to get Dropbox to sync.
I really should have brought along our hotspot, but I forgot to pack it. I’ve got a couple projects I need to get to clients, so here I sit. I was hoping our United flight would have had Wifi, but no such luck. The place Tamika and I are staying at is supposed to have Wifi, but I wasn’t able to get it hooked up, unfortunately. Continue reading “Lansdale – North Wales – Philadelphia – Newark – Los Angeles – Santa Monica”
Sleeplessness, Silverbacks, and a Beautiful Bank
Today was trying. I was up very late last night working on website for the Civilian arm of the Coast Guard and for National Black AIDs Day. Stayed up until around 2. And of course, the next day I was exhausted. Continue reading “Sleeplessness, Silverbacks, and a Beautiful Bank”
Hyundais, Workaholics, and a Warm Leather Couch
I’m neither working on several websites for Zerflin, nor watching any Star Trek Voyager right now. Which, in and of itself, is more surprising that it should be. Continue reading “Hyundais, Workaholics, and a Warm Leather Couch”