Mood & Decisions

Questions from Melony Hill’s Writing for My Sanity Therapeutic Writing Workshop held online.What do you think others are learning from you?

How would you describe your mood right now?

I feel an overwhelming sense of peace. I just got done putting up art at different locations all over the city. I feel accomplished. I finally got a tool up on my website that you all encouraged me to build, that allows people to buy my photography off of my website, which I’ve never really sold seriously. My body feels slightly tired, but in that good way like right after a workout. I feel very very cared for right now; by my friends, by those close to me, by my family. I feel like I’m doing the right things. Not because they are wrong or right but more like they fit my purpose. I feel strong, like I am vibrating with energy without having to throw it around. I feel like old ways and habits are cracking and falling aside, as I grow deeper. I feel close to God.

What is the best decision you ever made?

I really feel like the best decision was switching majors so I could focus on my art and design. I fundamentally changed my trajectory in a really positive way. Because of the way that decision positively turned out, it has encouraged me to dive into other decisions with that same prayer, intensity and purpose. There are many more decisions since then that have been really good ones, but I think that one was the best because it changed how I made decisions.

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