Time in Montreal, and On The Road Again

Sat, Sep 7

The next few days were spent with Marilyne in Montreal. Not nearly enough time, but I’m grateful for every minute we had together.

We went for a walk, and I couldn’t help but notice how the garden cosmos are really blooming in the city! The vibrant colors really caught my eye.

A small church with a domed green roof and a white steeple topped with a cross, seen from a straight-on view. The path leading to the dark wooden doors is cracked and weathered, flanked by green grass and small shrubs. The sky above is overcast, casting a soft light on the building.

We passed by Saint Brendan’s Catholic Church of Montreal, and its architecture stood out to me. It’s got an interesting shape for sure, but the stucco walls? Definitely a… choice.

A woman with short hair smiles softly, wearing tortoiseshell glasses and a bright red sleeveless top. She has a fall leaf tucked behind her ear, and she’s accessorized with gold earrings and a pendant necklace. She’s standing against a dark background, with warm lighting illuminating part of the image.

During our walk, I found a beautiful leaf and gave it to a beautiful lady. It perfectly matched her outfit.

A hearty breakfast plate featuring scrambled eggs, golden brown breakfast potatoes, three sausages, and a fresh fruit-topped waffle. The waffle is garnished with strawberries, cantaloupe, and honeydew, drizzled with cream, and accompanied by a slice of lemon on the side.

Brunch at L’Oeufrier with Marilyne was wonderful, as always. Good food, even better company.

A tall stone church tower with a statue of a saint standing in a niche partway up. Above the statue is a large, modern cellphone transmitter, creating a striking contrast between the historical architecture and contemporary technology. The transmitter is prominent and unadorned, sitting visibly at the top of the tower.

One thing that struck me was the church we passed. Outside of it stood a tall tower with a cellphone transmitter sitting right on top. It’s kind of ironic, don’t you think? A building meant to honor someone, and then there’s this huge transmitter towering above the statue of whoever they’re honoring. It almost makes it look like the building is dedicated to the transmitter itself!

I’ve seen transmitters disguised better than this—sometimes even as statues themselves! I think more thought needs to go into how we integrate infrastructure into the environment, especially around places of significance like this.

A smiling couple takes a selfie inside what appears to be a movie theater lobby. The woman is wearing a black leather jacket and the man has a thick beard and is wearing a patterned shirt. The background is lit with colorful lights and displays, likely from arcade games or movie posters. The atmosphere suggests they are about to enjoy or have just finished watching a movie.

Later in the day, we went to Starcité Montreal to see Alien: Romulus. Terrifying—but really good. Honestly, the Alien movies seem to get better with each installment.

A poster for the movie Alien: Romulus features a dark red background with a detailed, close-up image of a human head being enveloped by the long, spindly legs of an alien facehugger. The creature's tail is wrapped around the person’s neck. The movie title "ALIEN ROMULUS" is displayed in bold white text near the bottom of the poster.

I do have one critique though. They introduced an android character named Andy, and it felt like they were starting to lean into the “Magical Negro” trope—like in The Legend of Bagger Vance. The trope usually involves a Black character whose sole purpose is to move the plot forward for the main (white) characters, without any real depth of their own.

A scene from Alien: Romulus featuring actor David Jonsson. He stands in the middle of a futuristic, dimly lit spacecraft corridor wearing a grey spacesuit. The corridor is sleek, with metallic walls, red doors, and panels with control consoles. Jonsson's character appears serious and focused as he looks straight ahead.

But then they flipped it, giving Andy a much more nuanced and developed personality, which made him the best character in the film, in my opinion. So maybe it was a bait-and-switch, like a subversion of the trope? Either way, it did leave me wondering.

Either way, David Jonsson’s performance was excellent. He stole the show.

Sun, Sep 8

Two pairs of matching yellow moccasins with intricate beadwork on the top, featuring a blue, red, and white floral design. The moccasins are being worn by two people standing on a light wooden floor, their feet positioned towards each other. The moccasins are traditional Naskapi footwear, beautifully crafted.

Norma Einish made matching ᒥᔅᒋᓇ (moccasins) for me and Marilyne. They fit perfectly, and I love that we have a little piece of my home to share between us.

A smiling couple takes a selfie inside a car. The woman is seated in the passenger seat, wearing a light purple sweater and glasses, while the man is in the driver's seat, sporting a beard, glasses, and a blue hoodie. Both are wearing seatbelts, and the car's interior is visible with a bit of the outside background showing through the windows.

But now, she’s off to France, and I’m heading south on my own. It’s always hard to part ways, even for a little while.

As I continue my journey, I’m taking in the peace of the road.

A man with a thick beard and glasses takes a selfie while sitting in the driver's seat of a car. He is wearing a blue hoodie and a seatbelt. The background shows a view of trees and part of a car behind him through the rear window, indicating he is driving on a road surrounded by greenery.

Tonight, I’m catching the stars outside my friend Jeff’s house.

There’s something so comforting about seeing the night sky in a quiet place, reminding me how vast the universe is.

A peaceful night sky filled with countless stars, seen from a ground perspective with the tops of trees framing both sides of the image. The stars are bright against the dark sky, and the trees are gently illuminated, possibly by nearby light sources. The scene evokes a sense of tranquility and the vastness of the universe.

Engineers didn’t cause the Titan explosion, indolence did – Evelyn Pazan – The Daily Campus

In June 2023, the internet was taken by storm at the news that the Titan submersible, an experimental project by OceanGate, had gone missing on a trip to the Titanic wreckage. For four days, there had been no communication with the vessel and the search and rescue turned into a recovery mission. It was determined that during the mission, the Titan submersible had imploded, killing all five passengers inside, including OceanGate founder Stockton Rush.  

This September, the U.S. Coast Guard began the public hearing investigating the disaster. Each testimony by ex-employees, directors and engineers reveals new and disturbing details that show just how corrupt the company was. As the investigation continues to unfold, the Titan disaster should be a sobering reminder of the indolence and hidden workplace politics that put people at risk every day.  

 Anyone working on the submersibles at OceanGate would have been able to recognize that the Titan mission was doomed to fail. Whether they were willing to admit it, though, was a different question. According to testimonies by ex-employees, the Titan had experienced a plethora of development issuesleading up to the disaster. From equipment issues to irresponsible storage practices, it was clear that the Titan was not fit for the mission. Former engineering director, Tony Nissen, recognized these issues and did his due diligence, refusing to sign off on a mission to the Titanic wreckage. Soon after, Nissen was fired. He is just one of many engineers and team members that challenged the OceanGate founder and were silenced. 

The workplace politics at OceanGate are not the only failure that took the lives of the five passengers. Former director of machine operations, David Lochridge, was bold enough to bring his safety concerns to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration after he was fired. Despite promises by OSHA to investigate the company and involve the Coast Guard, nothing came from their inquiries except for a lawsuit and agreement for Lochridge effectively barring him from filing any more complaints. OSHA and other safety agencies failed to do their jobs and did not take seriously the complaints that Lochridge brought up.  

Since OceanGate was a private deep-sea exploration company operating outside of territorial waters, they were not required to obtain certifications or safety checks before operating the Titan. OceanGate was able to bypass all safety requirements in the name of engineering and money-generation.  

The lack of regulations on submersibles and private companies combined with the failure of safety organizations and responsible individuals underscores a problem we know all too well. There are far too few regulations on all companies that are responsible for human lives here and abroad. The regulations that exist are too full of loopholes and clauses that render them ineffective. Because of these two conditions, OceanGate was the perfect breeding ground for workplace politics that prevented any kind of complaint that might impact their reputation. Even for upstanding employees who valued safety, their efforts were useless.   

Far too many companies in recent years have been responsible for outbreaks of illnesses and putting lives at risk. The citizens of America and the world deserve to know that the products and services they enjoy have been properly regulated and investigated. They deserve to know that safety issues are not being buried and hidden away from public knowledge. The greed and indolence of individuals must not overrule our regulatory systems. After all, it was greed and indolence that led five people to a death sentence and a watery grave.  

Missed Flights, Goodbyes, and Leaving Kawawachikamach

Thu, Sep 5

A light wood-colored laminate floor with a person’s foot in a black sock and jeans visible at the bottom right. In the bottom left, a red broom and dustpan are shown, as if mid-cleaning. The room appears clean with minimal dust or debris on the floor.

This morning, I cleaned up the rectory in preparation for leaving and stopped by the Naskapi Development Corporation and the Naskapi Nation band office to see if anyone needed anything. I wanted to know if there would be another time they’d need me, possibly in late October.

A man wearing glasses and a dark sweatshirt is seated in the driver’s seat of a vehicle, holding the steering wheel with both hands. He is buckled in with a seatbelt, and the view outside the window shows a cloudy sky and trees in the distance. The interior of the car, including the dashboard and roof, is visible.

Jimmy Shecanapish, ever so kind, offered to drive me to the airport, as he usually does. But today, God’s timing was different from mine.

A crowded airport waiting area filled with people, many sitting on chairs or benches while others stand or walk through the space. Most people appear bundled in coats, and luggage is scattered around them. The ceiling features wooden beams, and a traditional canoe is mounted on the wall. The scene captures the busy atmosphere after an event, with people preparing to travel.

When we got to the airport, it was packed. The crowd was overwhelming, with so many people heading home after the Elders Gathering. That’s when I learned about Air Inuit’s new check-in policy, which was stricter than I had anticipated.

Because there were so many standby flights, seats were in high demand. I missed the check-in window by just three minutes.

Disappointed, I called my girlfriend to let her know the situation. Trisha, in the Band Office, worked her magic and got me on a flight for the next day.

I was disappointed, but I decided not to get too upset and just rolled with it.

Two elderly men are seated together in a cozy, wood-paneled room. One man, holding a cane, is wearing a white t-shirt and plaid pants, while the other, wearing glasses and a collared shirt, shows him a red folder with papers inside. The room is warmly lit, and family photos and religious images adorn the walls, creating a comforting atmosphere.

While scrolling through Facebook, I saw a post from Matthew Mameamskum’s family. Something about it instantly gave me a sinking feeling. Matthew had always been close to my family—he worked with my dad, Bill, checking translations for the church and the community. His wife, Kitty, always ensured I was fed when she provided lunches for Innu kids at Jimmy Sandy Memorial School.

A gravel driveway leading up to a small gray house with trucks parked along the sides. Another gray house is visible on the right side, and a few trees stand in the background beneath a cloudy sky. The scene appears to be in a rural area, with signs of community gathering evident from the parked vehicles.

I jumped on the side-by-side and rode over to his house, where the driveway was already filling up with trucks. Community members were beginning to gather. Inside, I sat with Ishko Mameamskum and his brothers, paying my respects.

Rod Mackenzy was there, helping coordinate, and passed our masks to everyone since a few family members were sick.

A group of people gathered inside a home, many wearing face masks. Some are seated on chairs and recliners, while others stand near a kitchen island in the background. The room is decorated with string lights and a mix of family photos and floral arrangements. A few people are passing out masks, while others engage in conversation, creating a warm and communal atmosphere.

Matthew had just passed away.

Two hearses are parked outside a small brown house with a dirt driveway. A dog walks near the steps leading up to the house. The sky is overcast, and trees can be seen in the background. The scene captures the moment as people gather for a funeral.

As I was there, I remembered that today was also George Amos Guanish’s funeral, so I quickly went to his house as the hearse was arriving.

A man kneels at a doorway, using a drill to remove the door frame. Another man stands in the background, watching as the work is being done. The door frame has been partially dismantled, with pieces of pink insulation visible on the wooden deck. The scene shows preparations for accommodating pallbearers carrying a casket.

John Chescappio was, as usual, helping in every way possible, even removing the door frame so that the pallbearers could carry the casket out smoothly.

A crowded room filled with people standing and sitting, as they pay their respects during a funeral service. A casket is visible at the front of the room, with mourners gathered around it. A cross hangs on the wall in the background, and the room is simply decorated. The atmosphere is somber as visitors move through the space.

The house was packed. The family had laid cardboard on the floor to accommodate the steady stream of visitors who came through the back door, paid their respects, and exited through the front.

Outside, I spoke with Uapush, who had been very close to George. He wanted to do something to show his respect, so I agreed to help him get his guitar so he could sing at the funeral.

A group of pallbearers, wearing black hoodies and red sashes, carefully carry a casket down the steps of a house toward a waiting hearse. The casket is silver, and the men work together to lower it from the porch. The house is a modest home with brown siding, and the sky is partly cloudy.

The pallbearers gently lowered George’s casket out of the house and into the hearse.

A small bird, identified as a whiskychak (Canada jay), perches on an overhead wire against a cloudy sky. The roof of a house is visible below, and the bird appears to be watching the scene below curiously.

A whiskychak watched over us curiously.

The family started walking in a procession to the church, and Uapush and I sped around the back to his house to go get his guitar.

A funeral procession follows a hearse down a dirt road, with people walking closely behind it. Some carry flowers, and others wear red sashes over their clothing. The scene takes place in a residential area with modest houses and overcast skies, reflecting the somber mood of the procession.

The procession to the church was somber, and the church was completely filled.

The interior of a church with a casket draped in a purple cloth at the front, adorned with a large bouquet of flowers. In front of the casket, a wooden cross with dates "2000-01-10" and "2024-08-28" is displayed. Lit candles and religious symbols, including a crucifix on the wall, surround the altar, creating a solemn and reverent atmosphere.

Susan Nabinacaboo’s voice filled the space with Family Circle, and the air was thick with emotion.

A man with a guitar, identified as Uapush, stands at the front of a church near the pulpit, playing a song during a funeral service. The congregation is gathered closely around, with many people standing in the pews. A lit candle sits on the pulpit, and a wooden cross is visible on the wall behind the altar. The emotional moment brings a sense of solemnity to the scene.

When the time came, Uapush played a song that brought tears to the family.

 A group of pallbearers, wearing black with red sashes, carry a silver casket down the steps of a church and towards an open hearse. The scene takes place in a small community, with several trucks parked nearby and houses visible in the background under a cloudy sky. The mood is solemn as the service concludes and the casket is prepared for transport.

After the service, the pallbearers brought the casket down the church steps and placed it back in the hearse.

A long line of vehicles drives down a dirt road, forming a procession as they make their way through a forested area. The cars have their lights on, and the road stretches into the distance, surrounded by trees and utility poles. The procession is part of a traditional funeral, passing through the village before heading to the cemetery.

As is tradition, a parade of cars formed and circled the village, passing George Amos’ home on the way to the cemetery.

The view from inside a vehicle, showing a woman in a red sweatshirt driving a bus along a dirt road. Vehicles traveling in the opposite direction have pulled over, stopping to allow the funeral procession to pass. The windshield is covered with dust, and the scene outside shows a cloudy sky and a few vehicles on the road.

Out of respect, traffic in the opposite direction stopped to let us pass.

At the cemetery, a light rain began to fall. It softened the heavy hearts of those grieving, mingling with tears.

We offered prayers and shared comfort in hushed tones.

A large gathering in a gymnasium, where tables are set for a feast following the funeral ceremony. People are seated along long rows of tables, sharing a meal and conversations. The atmosphere is a mix of somber reflection and warmth as family and friends come together to remember the deceased. The gym's high ceilings and basketball hoops are visible, and a large banner hangs on the back wall.

After the ceremony, we returned to Kawawachikamach, where the family had prepared a feast. People shared smiles through their tears, remembering the good times they had with George Amos.

An elderly man, identified as Matthew Mameamskum, sits on a bed in a warmly lit room with wood-paneled walls. He is wearing a light striped button-up shirt and looking directly at the camera with a calm expression. Behind him are family photos and books on a wooden dresser, adding a personal and cozy atmosphere to the scene.

Later that day, I returned to Matthew’s house to check on his family. I spoke with his daughter Louise for a while. Though it was difficult, she found peace knowing that Matthew was now reunited with Kitty.

 A nighttime view of a village illuminated by bright lights in the distance, seen from a hill surrounded by darkness. The sky is almost entirely black, while the lights below create a soft glow over the trees and buildings, evoking a sense of quiet reflection.

As the evening wore on, I spent some time alone on the hill overlooking the village where I grew up.

A bearded man, wearing glasses and a cap with the word "Kawawachikamach" embroidered on it, sits in a vehicle at night. He is looking ahead with a thoughtful expression, illuminated by the dim light inside the vehicle. A seatbelt is visible across his chest, and the background outside is dark.

I’m so grateful that I missed my flight. It allowed me to be here for the people who matter most to me.

Fri, Sep 6

A man with a full beard and slightly wet, tousled hair takes a selfie after a shower. He is wearing a red shirt with a Canadian symbol on it, and he looks directly at the camera with a content expression. The background shows a plain white wall and door, suggesting the photo was taken at home while preparing for the day.

Woke up, showered, and took some time to clean up a little more. Everything’s packed, and I’m ready to go.

A red wooden building with the sign "Naskapi Development Corporation" is seen on a cloudy day. A rugged side-by-side vehicle is parked in front of the building, loaded with bags and gear. The building has boarded-up windows on the ground floor, and wooden steps lead up to the entrance. The vehicle, covered in mud, reflects its use in rough terrain.

After loading up, I made my way to drop off the rectory keys at the Naskapi Development Corporation and returned the side-by-side to the Naskapi Nation garage. That side-by-side has been a godsend for getting around!

A man, Jimmy Shecanapish, is seen driving a large SUV, smiling and focused on the road. He is wearing a dark blue hoodie and glasses, with his seatbelt on. The interior of the vehicle is modern with a touchscreen display and controls on the console. Trees and the road are visible through the windows as they drive.

Jimmy Shecanapish, always looking out for me, picked me up today—in a giant sedan SUV limousine, no less! Quite the departure from my usual rides.

An airport waiting area with several people seated. A woman in a pink jacket drinks from a bottle, while a man in gray sits beside her. Another person is lying down on a bench in the foreground. Above the seating area hangs a traditional canoe, beautifully crafted and suspended from the ceiling. The canoe is a reminder of the unique cultural heritage of the community.

At the airport, I had some time before boarding. I always love looking at the canoe on the wall here. Every community has its own style of canoe design, and it reminds me of how deeply unique each nation is.

A group of people boarding a white Air Inuit plane on a cloudy day. The plane has two propellers, and the tail is painted with the Air Inuit logo in orange. The passengers are slowly walking in a line toward the aircraft, with a few people wearing hats and jackets, carrying small bags. The mood seems calm, but the overcast sky adds a somber feel to the moment.

Then came the moment I dreaded—getting ready to board. No matter how many times I do it, I hate leaving. This place always feels like home, and it’s never easy to say goodbye.

View from the back of a small airplane cabin, showing rows of passengers seated. Many are wearing hats, and one person is holding up a phone, perhaps to take a picture or video. The overhead compartments are closed, and the aisle leads to the front, where a flight attendant stands near the exit door. The mood feels quiet and reflective, with most passengers appearing calm.

Once boarded, I was surrounded by many Attikamekw people heading home after the Elders Gathering.

View from an airplane window showing part of the plane's wing and engine above a blanket of fluffy white clouds. The soft blue sky meets the horizon, and the clouds stretch out in various shapes and sizes. The scene evokes a sense of calm and peace, with the beauty of flying high above the earth.

I love being among the clouds; something about flying always brings me peace.

A person in a green sweater, sitting on a plane, smiling and giving a thumbs-up. In the foreground, a box of poutine is being held up, slightly blurred but clearly showing fries, cheese curds, and gravy. The person in the background seems to be enjoying the moment, creating a cheerful atmosphere. The plane's emergency exit signs are visible above the seat.

We made a quick stop in Quebec City. Good friends make life sweeter—especially when they bring you poutine on the plane.

A map of northeastern Canada highlighting a flight path from Schefferville, located in northern Quebec, down to Quebec City. The line marks a direct route between the two locations, passing through parts of Labrador. The map shows geographical details, including nearby cities like Montreal, Ottawa, and towns in Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, and other parts of eastern Canada.
The exterior of a large airplane hangar with its massive doors open. Inside, several propeller planes are visible, along with ground support vehicles parked outside. The sky above is filled with scattered, fluffy clouds, creating a vibrant contrast with the industrial structure.

And finally, we landed in Montreal.

A view from the driver’s seat looking at a congested highway. The driver's hand, tattooed with a pattern, grips the steering wheel, while cars line up ahead in multiple lanes. The sky is blue with scattered clouds, and a GPS display shows the route to Quebec.

Man saw the beauty of lakes, rivers, forests, and mountains… and somehow invented traffic.

A plate of creamy mushroom chicken served over white rice on a pink plate. A bowl of the same dish, with a spoon resting inside, sits in the background on a woven placemat. The cozy dinner setup includes a paper towel roll and glass bottles nearby.

But the best part? Dinner with her. ❤️

Chilly Morning, Firewood, and Talent Shows, Farewell to the Elders Gathering

Author’s Note:

It’s been tough to catch up while being down south! I’ve had difficulty catching up with all my work for the DOT, and when I get home, I’ve been exhausted. What little time I have had, I’ve been spending getting the Naskapi Election covered (you can see the latest posts here) and publishing more videos from the Elder’s Gathering (which you can find here).

It’s been challenging to know what to work on first: the videos that illustrate the story I’m telling below or the story itself through pictures. The story through pictures wins because working on the videos takes so much time.

Of course, this means that my day-to-day life has been a lot more boring, which will make it easier to catch up on.

I also got sick this week, which hasn’t helped. But I’ve been resting most of the weekend, so hopefully, it will pass soon.

But let’s get back to it:

Tue, Sep 3

It was very chilly this morning, but the camp dogs seemed perfectly content guarding the tents. They’ve constantly been around the site, always watchful and calm.

The image shows three elderly men sitting at a table during a religious service or gathering. The man on the left speaks into a microphone while the other two sit attentively beside him. The setting appears to be inside a large tent, with candles and cups placed on the table, and a mix of religious or cultural symbols displayed in the background. The atmosphere suggests a community event or worship service, where the men are likely taking part in leading or contributing to the ceremony.

The day started with another morning mass. What I find fascinating is the unique distribution of men and women leading worship in each nation. No two are alike. In some nations, the men lead, while in others, the women do. Sometimes, it’s men who sing, and sometimes, it’s women. What stands out most is that everyone is welcome to participate.

After mass, we had sessions discussing the importance of caribou and drumming in the culture. Both are vital, not just as traditions but as elements of identity for the people gathered here. I recorded these sessions and plan to upload the videos soon.

This image shows a bearded man resting peacefully, with his eyes closed and arms behind his head, wearing a yellow top with colorful designs. He appears relaxed and comfortable, leaning against a blanket, likely enjoying a quiet moment. The setting seems cozy and indoors, with soft lighting contributing to the calm atmosphere.

The afternoon schedule was more relaxed, especially with the cold rain setting in. I lit a fire in my stove and let the rain sizzling against the stovepipe lull me into a 30-minute nap. It was lovely.

This image shows a man sitting at a table with a baby in front of him. The man is wearing a yellow hoodie with colorful designs, including text that reads "Kawawachikamach." The baby, wearing a dark hoodie with a pink hood, is smiling brightly, showing small teeth, and appears to be in a cheerful mood. They are inside a tented area, likely during a communal meal or gathering, with other people seated in the background. The scene radiates warmth and happiness.

Once I was awake, I took a walk around the camps. As I passed through Natuashish and Kawawachikamach, I noticed that both had very low firewood reserves. With a friend from Natuashish, we loaded up the side-by-side with firewood and distributed it to the needy tents.

This image captures a lone eagle in flight against a backdrop of a gray, overcast sky. The bird is seen mid-air, its wings spread wide, seemingly gliding or struggling against the wind. The expansive sky emphasizes the eagle's solitary presence and the natural challenge it faces in the windy conditions.

Above us, an eagle fought against the wind.

A man on stage holding a harmonica, performing during the talent show. Two women in colorful, traditional skirts are seen dancing in the foreground, with musical instruments and cultural decorations visible in the background.

After dinner, the camp hosted a talent show! The performances ranged from wild and silly to fast and musical, but all of them were entertaining. I captured several acts on video, which I’ll share later.

A group of elders sitting in chairs inside a tent, participating in the game "Pass The Stick." One woman, wearing a purple shirt with a printed image, is passing the stick to another participant. Everyone appears joyful, with people in the background watching and smiling. The setting is warm and communal, with colorful traditional clothing and blankets visible.
A group of elders seated in chairs, participating in "Pass The Stick." One man is pointing playfully at another who is holding the stick, while people in the background observe and laugh. The scene takes place inside a tent, with cultural decor and a stage with musical instruments visible in the background.

Then, we gathered as many elders as we could into a giant circle and played Pass The Stick. It’s like musical chairs, but adapted so that people with mobility issues can participate. I spun around in the middle, trying to record everything, and got dizzy!

A band performing on stage inside a large tent. The lead singer, wearing a black cap and holding a guitar, sings into the microphone, while a drummer and other musicians, including a bass player in a yellow hoodie, play in the background. The atmosphere is vibrant, with colorful decorations and lighting.
A large group of people dancing in a line inside a big tent, with smiles and raised hands. Many participants wear colorful clothing, including traditional patterns and scarves. The audience watches and cheers from the sides, creating a joyful and lively scene filled with energy and music.

As with every night, the big tent turned into a dance hall, and the floor filled with dancers. It was such a joy to watch everyone come alive with the music and laughter.

This image shows a nighttime view of a camp with several large tents illuminated by soft lighting. The sky is dark and cloudy, obscuring any chance of seeing the northern lights. In the background, a line of tall trees is faintly visible under the moody sky. The scene feels calm and quiet, as if everyone has retired for the night in preparation for the next day's events.

There were no northern lights tonight—too cloudy—but everyone hurried off to bed to be well-rested for tomorrow’s big closing ceremonies.

This image shows a smartphone notification from the Credit Karma app. The message reads: "Benjamin, you increased your TransUnion credit score since last year! Tap to see." The notification includes the Credit Karma logo and was received at 8:09 AM on a Monday. The contrast between being in a remote location and receiving a credit score update adds a sense of irony to the moment.

It’s a strange contrast to be out here, completely disconnected from the grid, at least 325 miles from the nearest bank, and still receive notifications that my credit score has gone up.

Wed, Sep 4

This image shows a breakfast plate resting on someone’s lap in an outdoor campsite. The plate contains bacon, orange slices, scrambled eggs, sausage, pineapple chunks, and an English muffin. In the background, tents made of tarps and canvas are set up, and a large pot is simmering over an open fire on a grill. The scene captures a peaceful moment of outdoor dining, with boots visible in the foreground and camp chairs nearby.

The Naskapi kitchen chefs made an enormous breakfast for everyone today, preparing for the final closing of the Elders’ gathering. I enjoyed my meal outside with a few elders, sharing stories and listening to their thoughts on the event.

This image shows a Whiskyjack (also known as a gray jay or Canada jay) standing on the ground, pecking at a discarded pizza crust. The bird is in a rustic, outdoor area, with dirt and wooden boards leaning against a tree in the background. The scene captures the bird enjoying an opportunistic meal left behind from the previous night.

The Whiskychak made its return, feasting on the pizza crust I’d left behind the night before.

At one point, it knocked down a Pepsi can someone had stuck to a tent pole. A nearby kid asked why it did that. I told him, “The tent poles are for Whiskychaks, not for our garbage.”

This image shows the back of a side-by-side utility vehicle with its tailgate down, loaded with bags and a hard protective case. The vehicle is parked on a gravelly area at a campsite, with tents and tarp shelters visible in the background. The sky is partly cloudy, creating a calm, transitional scene as belongings are packed up, indicating the end of the camping trip.

I started packing up my belongings into the side-by-side and cleaned out my tent.

This image shows a small canvas tent with its front flaps open, revealing a simple wooden bed frame and a wood stove inside. The tent is supported by wooden poles arranged in a tripod structure, with chopped firewood stacked nearby. The sky above is partly cloudy, and surrounding tents and the natural landscape are visible in the background. The scene evokes a sense of simplicity and comfort in a rustic outdoor setting, with the tent ready for its next occupant.

I’m really going to miss that cozy little space. But it’ll see more use, as I passed it along to one of the workers staying behind to help clean up.

This image captures a busy campsite in the process of being packed up. Tents are being dismantled, and piles of belongings, including bags, coolers, and tarps, are scattered across the ground. People are actively moving around, organizing and packing their items. In the foreground, a white van is parked, and bundles of logs are stacked nearby. The sky is overcast, creating a somber yet transitional atmosphere as the camp prepares for departure.

I made a quick trip to Kawawachikamach for a shower and laundry, and when I got back, the camp was almost unrecognizable. Natuashish was nearly packed up, and tents were being dismantled left and right.

At the big tent, the gift exchange had already begun. A gift bag was tossed into my hands, and I joined the line. We stood back-to-back with random partners, and on the count of three, we turned around and exchanged our gifts. The variety was amazing—everything from beautiful homemade crafts to store-bought items from down south.

In this image, an elderly man sits in front of a TV screen, holding a piece of bread while watching a documentary. The film on screen shows three children walking along a lakeshore, and the man was one of those children in the boat featured in the film. Behind him, a large banner for "Tshima Minu" is visible along with some other decorations in the tent. The setting is intimate, capturing a moment of nostalgia.

Next, we watched some documentaries about the Attikamekw. The man sitting in front of the TV had been a small boy in the boat featured in the film!

A group of elders sits in a large, mostly empty event tent, watching a presentation or documentary. Many of them are in wheelchairs or using walkers, bundled up in coats and hats, and holding drinks. The long tables in the background are set up with bottled water, but the majority of seats are unoccupied. The scene captures a moment of quiet reflection as the group takes in shared cultural traditions, emphasizing the connections between the Attikamekw and Naskapi peoples.

It was fascinating to see how many traditions the Attikamekw share with the Naskapi.

A man with a white beard and a calm expression sits inside a softly lit canvas tent. He wears a camo-patterned hoodie and a hat with sunglasses perched on top, creating a casual and reflective atmosphere. This moment captures an interview with Johnny Saganash, focusing on his thoughts about the Walking Out ceremony.

Later, I interviewed Johnny Saganash in one of the quieter tents. We talked about the Walking Out ceremony so I could share his perspective in a future slideshow.

A man stands at a podium decorated with greenery and wooden elements, delivering an emotional farewell speech. He wears a formal outfit, and his expression reflects the gravity of the moment. Behind him are cultural symbols, including a traditional outfit and red fabric. His words resonate deeply, highlighting the wisdom gained from the elders' gathering and the comfort it brings in embracing aging.

Rod Mckenzie, our MC, gave a deep and emotional goodbye speech in all four languages. Something he said struck a chord with me. This gathering helps you not fear getting old; it helps you anticipate it. 

Cheyenne Peshu stands at a podium adorned with greenery, delivering a heartfelt speech, while Naomi Einish stands beside her. Both women wear traditional earrings, and their expressions convey gratitude as they thank the workers for their dedication throughout the gathering. The moment is both ceremonial and personal, especially as Cheyenne acknowledges you, calling you a "son of Kawawachikamach." The atmosphere in the tent is warm and filled with appreciation.

Cheyenne Peshu and Naomi Einish gave long speeches, thanking the workers for their efforts throughout the gathering. Cheyenne made me stand up and called me a “son of Kawawachikamach,” thanking me for all my work. I don’t know if anyone could tell, but I felt my face turning bright red with both pride and shyness.

A vivid sunset fills the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the silhouetted trees. The soft, textured clouds add depth to the scene, while a single flag with a tribal emblem waves gently in the bottom right, symbolizing connection to the land and community. The peacefulness of the moment contrasts beautifully with the fiery hues of the setting sun.

This place will always be home to me, no matter where I go. These will always be my people.

A group of people, including chiefs and representatives from various communities, stand together holding a beautifully carved gift. The gift includes a canoe, caribou, and drum, symbolizing gratitude for the gathering hosted by Kawawachikamach. A banner in the background reads 'Hello & Bonjour' in multiple languages, and festive decorations surround the scene.

The chiefs from the various communities gave speeches and exchanged gifts as tokens of appreciation. Beautifully carved crafts were given to Kawawachikamach in gratitude for hosting the event.

A large, celebratory cake is decorated with logos and designs representing the 2024 Elders' Gathering, featuring the event's logo, symbols of the Naskapi Nation, and the Kawawachikamach community. The cake is intricately bordered with green and tan icing, and a serving knife is placed on the wooden table beside it, ready to be shared with attendees.

A giant, beautifully decorated cake was cut up and shared with everyone. It’s always a special moment seeing things I’ve designed, even in cake form.

Johnny and Louisa Saganash, crowned as the king and queen of the Elders' Gathering 2024, proudly pose together in matching black hoodies. Their hoodies are printed with 'King' and 'Queen' in large font with crowns above the text, along with 'Elder’s Gathering 2024.' They stand in front of a stage decorated with evergreen branches and a banner that reads, 'Wachiya means Hello & Bonjour.'

As a final parting gift, the king and queen of the gathering, Johnny and Louisa Saganash, were given matching hoodies.

A bearded man smiling proudly while wearing a cream-colored hoodie from the 2024 Elders Gathering. The hoodie features a detailed design, including flags and a central image of an elder couple inside a teepee structure with the Naskapi logo below. This cream-colored hoodie, typically reserved for dignitaries and chiefs, was a special honor given to him at the gathering.

Then, I was presented with my own hoodie! At the very beginning of the gathering, the entire coordinating team had all gotten forest green hoodies with their names blazoned on the back. But I had been missed. It was cream-colored, a color reserved for dignitaries and chiefs. It felt like such an honor.

People stand on stage, holding a flag that symbolizes a village in southwest Quebec, which has been selected to host the next Elders Gathering. A speaker stands at the podium, while others in traditional attire and audience members listen and observe the announcement.

Mashteuiatsh, a village in southwest Quebec, was selected as the next host for the Elders Gathering.

A large group of people fills the dance floor inside a tent, celebrating together. The crowd includes a mix of people, some taking photos and videos while others join in the dance. The energy in the room is lively, with everyone letting go of their shyness and fully participating in the celebration.

The evening turned into a massive celebration, with the biggest crowd we’d had on the dance floor. Everyone was done being shy and just wanted to move.

And then the fireworks! An enormous display lit up the sky. I managed to fly my drone during the show—I’m hoping the footage turns out well.

A large group photo of the event crew standing proudly together on stage after the gathering. The women in the front row wear colorful, traditional skirts, while others in the group are dressed in event hoodies and casual wear. Everyone is smiling, celebrating their hard work and successful collaboration, with event decorations and directional signs in the background.

Looking back, I’m so proud to have been part of this event. I’m grateful to have worked with such an amazing crew. We faced obstacles, filled gaps where needed, and cared for each other along the way.

This gathering was truly incredible.

Winds, Services, Canoes, Caribou, and Finding Peace at the Beach

Sun, Sep 1

A group of elderly Naskapi people sit on a wooden porch outside a log cabin. Some are sitting quietly with their heads bowed, while a man stands by the door leaning on the railing. Above them, a small hand-made sign reads "Kitty Peast." The bright sunlight highlights the wood of the cabin and the gathering on the porch.
Inside a wooden cabin, a group of Naskapi people gather for a church service. Several elderly individuals sit on benches and chairs, holding hymn books or prayer guides. Two men stand reading from books, while the rest of the group listens or follows along in their seats. The room has simple wooden walls and a plaid fabric covers one of the windows.

This morning, I was greeted by an unusual sight. Many Naskapi people were crowded into Kitty Peastitute’s cabin, having a church service, while the big tent sat mostly empty. Some kind of disagreement had happened, and instead of a unified service, there were two separate ones.

An elderly man in a traditional black jacket with beige trim sits inside a large tent, gazing thoughtfully at a display. Behind him, historical posters are mounted on the wall, and stacks of folded metal chairs rest nearby. The tent has a spacious, well-lit interior with other people in the background.
Inside a large tent filled with rows of chairs, a crowd of people attends a church service. At the front, there’s a decorated stage with a banner that reads "Kwe," alongside a podium. The service includes elements of indigenous culture, with banners and symbols visible on the walls.

Since the services were held an hour apart, many Naskapi people simply attended both. It was an interesting way to handle the split, and it worked.

A man and a woman sit side by side inside the tent, viewed from behind. The man wraps his arm around the woman's shoulders, comforting her as they sit close together. The scene focuses on their intimate moment as they attend the service with others seated in the background.

The Innu service had some beautiful singing, and at one point, I saw a husband comforting his wife as she began to cry from the emotion of the music.

After attending both services, I went out into the woods for my own church. I thought about forest fires and rebirth, how even the rockiest, stoniest terrain can eventually transform into a beautiful paradise with care and love. It was a quiet, thoughtful moment in the midst of all the activity.

There are so many people working behind the scenes at the Elders Gathering—cooking food for the workers, hauling trash, emptying toilets, sweeping floors, and delivering water. Some of them feel embarrassed about their roles, thinking they are less desirable, but in reality, they are the true heroes of this gathering. Their efforts keep everything running smoothly, and their contributions are invaluable.

A woman stands on a gravel surface next to a collapsed tent covered in a blue tarp, giving a peace sign with her hand. In the background, another person is working near other tents made of wood and tarps, set up near a river. The sky is cloudy and dark, with strong winds affecting the camp setup.

The wind really picked up today, and it wasn’t long before one of the first tents set up on the site was lifted into the air and smashed onto another tent. I helped untangle it, and the owners took it in stride, joking, “That’s why the elders tell us to put the door facing east!” (Away from the prevailing winds).

Inside a large, low-built kitchen tent, elders sit at long tables covered with bingo cards and markers. The room is filled with the sound of conversations and laughter as the group enjoys playing bingo, sipping tea, and coffee. The wooden frame of the tent is visible, and there is a wood stove with logs stacked nearby, contributing to the cozy, communal atmosphere.

I visited another kitchen tent today, a low-built one belonging to the Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam. It was a beautiful structure, filled with elders playing bingo, joking around, and sipping on tea and coffee.

Even though storms were on the horizon, the kids didn’t let it dampen their fun. From different villages, they set up a volleyball circle between the Natuashish and Naskapi Nation sections of the camp.

A large white canvas tent with a small cross at the top sits on rocky ground, with a metal stovepipe protruding from one side. A black chair and a log stump are positioned outside the entrance, and the tent is surrounded by sparse trees and cloudy skies in the background, giving a rustic, camp-like feel.
A row of white canvas tents, each with metal stovepipes sticking out at different angles, lines a gravel path in a forested camp. Some tents have unique decorations, such as a Batman-themed tarp, while others have plain coverings. A red picnic table is visible on the path, under the overcast sky.

I love seeing the different nations come together and interact, and it’s fascinating how each community builds their tents slightly differently. The Natuashish people put crosses on their tents, like Naskapi homes, and many Sheshatshiu people have stove pipes coming out the front of their tents rather than the top.

The heavy rains eventually came, drenching the campsite, but the kids just took shelter in the kitchen tents. Thanks to the amazing work of the Naskapi crews laying solid foundations, there was no flooding, and surprisingly little mud.

I spent the rest of the evening filming the music in the bif tent. After the music died down, I went back to my tent and tried to start a fire with some rather wet firewood (my own fault for not drying it out properly). The wind whipped around, and the rain beat on the roof, but I was safe, warm, and dry in my tent. And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.

Mon, Sep 2

A row of canvas tents set up in a campsite, with smoke rising from campfires. The tents are surrounded by a forest of tall evergreen trees. Above the tents, the sky begins to clear, with bright blue patches breaking through the lingering storm clouds. The ground is wet from recent rain, but the sun is starting to shine, bringing a calm after the storm.

The sun finally broke through the clouds this morning, chasing away the storm and rain from the past few days. It was wonderful to sleep through the sound of rain, though I know I’m still not getting enough rest.

A metal pot filled with leaves, placed on a red portable gas stove. The pot is marked with the letters "NNK" and is simmering on the stove, preparing ᐃᐦᑕ (traditional medicinal Labrador tea). The kitchen in the background is stocked with supplies, and the tea is likely being prepared for its healing properties, particularly as many people in the camp have been coughing.

A big pot of ᐃᐦᑕ was boiling in the kitchen. I drank some, just in case. Many people at the camp have been coughing, and while I haven’t caught anything yet, I’m hoping it stays that way.

I’ve never been to a daily morning mass before, but I’m finding it quiet and meditative.

Next, we had a session on caribou. Caribou are not doing well on the Quebec and Labrador Peninsula, so the discussion focused on strategies to help them thrive again. The challenges they face are real, and it’s clear that their survival is deeply tied to the land and traditions of the people here.

After lunch, I went back to Kawawachikamach for a much-needed shower. It’s incredible how a simple shower can revive me and make me feel human again.

A group of people stand together on the shore of a lake, bundled up in warm jackets and coats. The cloudy sky looms above, and the lake reflects the gray light of the day. In the foreground, a burned pile of wood is visible on the ground.

I then headed to Knob Lake Beach, where several dozen people were already cheering and honking their horns as paddlers came ashore.

These paddlers had been out on the water since August 15, paddling over 300 kilometers in 19 days!

The group, made up of Naskapi and Innu people, kept the tradition of using canoes alive—a mode of transportation that their ancestors once relied on.

Despite the perils they faced—wildlife, accidents, and rough waters—the smiles on their faces as they were greeted with warm hugs and hot coffee said everything. It was such a joyful and proud moment for all the communities involved.

An expansive rainbow arcs across the sky above a line of treetops after a rainstorm. The dark clouds contrast with the vibrant colors of the rainbow, creating a serene and peaceful moment in nature.

On my way back to camp, a sudden rainstorm blew through, followed by a gigantic rainbow. It felt like a reminder that I needed a break.

Gentle waves roll onto a rocky shore under a sky filled with scattered clouds. The horizon is lined with a dark forest, and the bright blue sky contrasts with the moody clouds above the calm lake.

So, I stopped at the beach.

I’ve been working non-stop since I arrived—up with the sun, staying up late into the night, fighting with the internet to upload stories, photos, and videos. But the beach is one of my favorite places in this whole area, and it helped me relax

It’s a hidden cove, covered in beautiful, rounded flat stones perfect for skipping. The stones come in half a dozen different colors, and I loved picking them up as a kid. I picked out a few that I thought my own kids would like.

Autumn is already showing itself here, with the bushes turning fiery shades of red and orange.

I found some small white flowers that look a bit like carnations, though I’m not sure what they are. The wind was still strong from the passing storms, and the waves were calming to listen to.

I wandered the woods near the beach, taking in the beauty of the forest, which felt magical and full of life. The beach itself is unique, with its colorful stones shaped by the ice in winter and the waves in summer. I soaked it in.

Back at camp, some new dogs had joined us, happily gnawing on caribou bones we’d tossed to them after cooking the meat.

Inside a large, white, canvas dining tent, a group of people sits at a long table sharing a meal. In the foreground, Quebec's Minister of Indian Affairs, Ian Lafrenière, sits next to Chief Theresa Chemaganish. They are smiling as they enjoy dinner, surrounded by others from the camp. The table is covered with a plastic tablecloth, and plates and cups are spread out, along with some mobile phones. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, with people engaged in conversation.

The Quebec Minister of Indian Affairs, Ian Lafrenière, paid a visit to the camp and had dinner with Chief Theresa Chemaganish. He seemed genuinely surprised to learn that I spoke Naskapi. It was nice to see this level of engagement from him.

The golden hues from the setting sun created a breathtaking scene at the camp as the last remnants of the storm drifted away, leaving behind a sky filled with clouds illuminated in soft oranges and purples.
The golden hues from the setting sun created a breathtaking scene at the camp as the last remnants of the storm drifted away, leaving behind a sky filled with clouds illuminated in soft oranges and purples.

As the sun set and the storms cleared, the camp was bathed in golden light.

We took time to honor the canoeists, showering them with gifts, hugs, and congratulations.

Everyone is feeling the wear of this long event—even our king, Johnny Saganash, took short naps between acts!

Later, I took a walk around the camp. It was sad to see that some tents were already being taken down, signaling the end of the gathering for some. But it was heartwarming to see how carefully each nation was dismantling their camps, piling stones, branches, and picking up every piece of trash. It was a kind and respectful way to leave the land.

The music tonight was incredible—traditional drummers and three different bands filled the air with sound. My longtime friend Willie Nab played, and I hope to upload videos of the sets later.

Somewhere along the way, I had misplaced my monopod, but someone found it and placed it on my tent. I was so relieved!

As the music wound down, some kids turned part of the dirt floor in the big tent into an indoor sandbox, having a blast while the adults relaxed.

The northern lights were faint tonight, but the stars were incredibly bright. It’s been a cold day, but a good one. I’m grateful to be here.

Although my tent doesn’t have spruce boughs, I put some in a pan and set them to boil on my woodstove. The smell is wonderful, and it’s keeping me warm tonight. It’s going to be cold, down to 4°C, but for now, I’m toasty and content.

Walking Out, Winds, and Elders’ Wisdom

Sat, Aug 31

A group of three people seated at a table under a large tent, holding a religious mass. A man in a plaid shirt reads from a book into a microphone, while the woman next to him, wearing a vibrant yellow scarf and floral skirt, also reads attentively. The third man, seated beside her, has his hands folded on the table. In the foreground, attendees are listening, some wearing bright hats and scarves. The tent is decorated with greenery, and the scene conveys a sense of community and spiritual reflection.

The next morning began with another nation holding mass at the big tent. I love how each nation does things differently, but everyone has appreciated and attended each other’s services.

Right after mass, they held a tobacco pipe ceremony, and many of the elders participated. Sage was burning, and some elders began preparing for the Walking Out ceremony.

Walking Out Ceremony group (elder woman in red coat): An elder  woman, wearing a vibrant red coat and traditional cap, sits comfortably in a mobility scooter. She smiles warmly, clearly enjoying the ceremony. Behind her, a man in a red jacket stands with his arms crossed, as a dark sky looms in the distance.
Walking Out Ceremony group (woman in blue jacket): A Naskapi woman in a blue jacket with the "Naskapi Nation" logo smiles and chats with another woman during the Walking Out ceremony. She’s wearing a colorful scarf, and a crowd can be seen mingling behind her.

A Walking Out ceremony is a little like a baptism, but it’s typically done for young children.

A lone eagle soars high in the sky, its wings fully spread as it glides effortlessly in circles. The bird appears small against the vast expanse of the blue sky, symbolizing freedom and a spiritual connection with nature.

As preparations were being made, a large golden eagle flew in wide, westward circles overhead. One of the elders commented that the camp might have disturbed her hunting grounds but hoped she wouldn’t mind too much.

Johnny and Louisa B. Saganash offered to lead the Walking Out ceremony. Aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents all play important roles in the ceremony, as it’s designed to connect the youngest generation with traditional ways.
A group of older adults sit outdoors near a large white tent, bundled up in jackets and colorful blankets. A man in a blue camo hoodie speaks animatedly to the seated group, which appears to be listening attentively. The sky is overcast, and the gathering conveys a sense of community amidst traditional cultural elements.

Johnny and Louisa B. Saganash offered to lead the Walking Out ceremony.

An older man, a young child in traditional plaid clothing, and an older woman sit together outdoors. The child sits on the man’s lap, holding a cup, while the woman, draped in a colorful shawl and blanket, smiles. The backdrop features evergreen trees and a cloudy sky, with a calm outdoor setting.
A seated elderly man wearing a blue jacket and black beret looks off to the side, smiling, while holding an umbrella. Behind him, another man stands in the background, dressed in a hoodie. A large white tent and an overcast sky fill the scene, creating an atmosphere of community gathering.
A man assists a young child, who is learning to walk on a ground covered in green fir branches. The man, dressed in a black vest and baseball cap, holds the child’s hands as they take steps. The child, bundled in a blue knit hat, stands near some wood and greenery, with seated people and cabins in the background.
The same man continues to help the young child walk outdoors. The child, wearing a winter hat and boots, takes cautious steps across a patch of fir branches, as onlookers in colorful clothing watch from behind. The setting features an outdoor gathering with a mix of cultural and natural elements.

Aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents all play important roles in the ceremony, as it’s designed to connect the youngest generation with traditional ways.

A close-up of a young boy, Cohen, wearing a bright red jacket, gazing curiously off to the side. His face is calm, and his eyes reflect natural light. The blurred background hints at an outdoor setting with soft, overcast skies.

One of the children, Cohen, was particularly curious about my camera. He was eager to be part of everything, and his energy was infectious.

Two older women, each holding a young girl by the hands, guide them as they walk on a bed of pine branches. The young girls, dressed in bright red sweaters and colorful skirts, hold small evergreen sprigs. A crowd of people sits in the background, watching the ceremony unfold in an outdoor setting.
A man helps a young boy, who is being held by another man, hold a rifle. The scene takes place near a pile of wood and pine branches, with people watching the ceremony from behind. The boy is bundled in a blue hat and winter boots, while the men guiding him wear casual outdoor clothing.
A smiling toddler in a red plaid skirt and brown sweater is supported by two adults holding her hands as she steps on a bed of pine branches. The adults, dressed in colorful clothing with traditional designs, stand next to a small evergreen tree as part of the ceremonial scene.
A woman, dressed in a white and blue traditional outfit, gently holds the hands of a young girl in matching attire as they walk on a bed of pine branches. The girl clutches an evergreen sprig in one hand, while onlookers behind them, including elders and other participants, observe the event in an outdoor setting.

Each aspect of traditional Naskapi life is symbolized in the ceremony. For the boys, a small stuffed caribou represents their first hunt, and for the girls, a branch from a pine tree symbolizes their first tent. Pine boughs are used to line the floors of tents, giving off a fragrant and soft scent. One of the grandfathers helped a young boy fire a blank from a rifle, symbolizing the boy’s first hunt, and this helps ease the pressure for future hunts as they grow older.

A man holds the hand of a young boy as they walk across a bed of pine branches during a traditional ceremony. The boy is dressed in a vest and blue sneakers, and an older woman in a colorful scarf and skirt stands nearby, smiling. The setting is outdoors with a backdrop of trees and people seated, watching the event.
The same man and young boy continue their ceremonial walk over pine boughs. The boy holds a green cloth and a small stuffed animal representing a caribou as they pass a pile of chopped wood. People in the background, some taking photos, observe the significant moment under cloudy skies.

The most important part of the Walking Out ceremony is when the child takes their first step off the carpet of boughs. This step symbolizes their journey out into the world, but importantly, they are never alone—family is always there to support them.

A group of young children, seated in a line, wearing colorful knit hats, traditional outfits, and cozy boots, look ahead with curious expressions. They sit on a bed of pine branches outdoors, next to a small evergreen tree. The background is blurred, with some chairs and an elder watching the event.
Elders and two adults sit behind a group of young children who are seated on pine branches. The children are dressed in vibrant, traditional clothing with colorful hats, and the elders are smiling, observing the scene. A large tipi structure and an evergreen tree are visible in the background.
A group of three women and two young children pose outside a tipi. The children wear matching blue knit hats and red sweaters while being held by two of the women. The adults are dressed in traditional skirts with colorful designs, smiling as they celebrate the ceremony together.
A woman helps a young child, who is dressed in traditional clothing, kneel beside a small evergreen tree during the ceremony. The child holds a doll, and a stuffed caribou toy rests nearby on a pile of logs, symbolizing elements of traditional Naskapi life. Behind them, a tipi stands under cloudy skies.

It’s an adorable and joyous event. Elders take pride in dressing their grandchildren in the traditional clothing they wore as children, and the entire family embraces the child with love and pride.

Four people stand in front of a building's door, smiling for the camera. Three of them are standing while one person sits on the steps in front. They are dressed casually, wearing hoodies, jeans, and T-shirts. The backdrop is a modern building with a glass door, and the group appears relaxed and friendly. This is part of the Wapikoni team, collaborating with the Naskapi Nation to record and produce music and videos.

After the ceremony, I headed back to Kawawachikamach to shower, do some laundry, and meet with Rui Silveira, Elayna Einish, and the rest of the Wapikoni team. They’re here to help the Naskapi Nation and Tepatshimuna Matimekush Lac-john Natives record and produce music and videos for free.

When I returned to the Elders’ Gathering, I ran into David and Susan Swappie riding in Seasi’s truck. Susan, as is her habit, grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go, repeatedly saying, “ᔄᔾᒥᑎᓐ, ᔄᔾᒥᑎᓐ, ᔄᔾᒥᑎᓐ… (I love you, I love you, I love you)” in Naskapi.

They hadn’t eaten yet, but Seasi told me she had some submarine sandwiches. After I laughed at her for feeding them “white people food”, I ran and got them plates of fish, wapachi, and fresh bannock.

We sat together for a while, talking, while David watched the crowds, calling over family and friends to chat with them. It was good to see them out and enjoying the gathering.

Later that evening, the Elders Gathering beauty contest took place, where couples from each community competed in a hilarious dance-off. It was lighthearted fun, and everyone had a great time laughing and cheering.

I ended the night practicing recording the northern lights as timelapse.

A Memorial, The Milky Way, A Walk, and Blueberries

Thu, Aug 29

I’ve found that my days go better if I start by the water. There’s something so peaceful and grounding about being near the lake, especially here, where the air is likely the cleanest I’ll ever breathe. I make it a point to take deep breaths and soak it all in—this air feels like a gift.

A close-up view of a native plant, with soft green leaves and delicate stems, bathed in sunlight. The intricate details of the plant’s structure echo natural patterns, similar to traditional Naskapi designs in beadwork and painted coats. The background softly fades into a blur, hinting at a serene lake and surrounding greenery in the distance.

Everywhere I look, the land is full of patterns that remind me of the designs Naskapi people paint on their coats and sew into their beadwork. It’s like nature itself reflecting back on the culture.

A group of elder Naskapi women, all wearing intricately patterned shawls, listens intently during a gathering. The expressions on their faces are thoughtful and reflective, as they absorb the stories and messages shared during the mass. Their colorful scarves and peaceful demeanor offer a rich tapestry of tradition, wisdom, and quiet strength, highlighting the community's respect for their elders and spiritual practices.

Different communities have been holding mass daily, which is a beautiful thing to witness. You get to see how different Nations approach spirituality, each unique yet united in spirit.

Back at the Naskapi Kitchen, Noah Swappie was busy setting up a tent for his mother. Because some of the workers have been grieving, we’ve been a bit short-staffed, but Noah is a pro—he had the tent up in no time.

This morning, I had the pleasure of sharing breakfast with Johnny and Louisa B. Saganash. I’ve been learning so much from them about Cree communities, and our conversations have been deeply enriching.

That afternoon, we gathered for a memorial to honor the memory of elder Alexandre “Napess” McKenzie, who tragically went through the ice this spring. A group of us gathered Derek Jeremy’s cabin, and from there, we took boats to the site of the accident.

Wapen invited me and Anaïs, a photographer from Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam, to join him in the first boat. The waters of Kachikayach (Iron Arm Lake) were particularly shallow this year due to the lack of rain. Shundy had put out floats near Second Water to help avoid the larger rocks.

Despite the low water levels, we made good time, and along the way, we spotted a magnificent Golden Eagle perched on one of the outcrops.

As the sun began to dip low, I snapped a photo of Wapen navigating the rocks. Always one for dark humor, he had joked earlier that he couldn’t swim because “there’s no money in it.” I told him I’d use the photo on his memorial card when he drowns. We laughed, trying to remain lighthearted on such a serious mission.

The memorial took place on a beautiful spit of land that juts into the lake, making the area particularly shallow. This is where Alexandre’s snowmobile had gone through the ice earlier this year. Wapen took a private moment for himself—he was the first one on the scene that tragic day.

The men quickly mounted a cross on the stump of a tree that had been felled, and the brush had been cleared so we could gather.

Father Raibe Alfred led us in prayer, delivering a message in Innu. His dedication to learning the language over his eight years in Uashat is nothing short of impressive.

The land here, though rocky, is covered in centuries-old caribou moss that’s so thick it feels like a giant sponge. Many of us sat on the ground, and it felt as soft as a pillow beneath us—a perfect place for both prayer and quiet reflection.

The memorial was both healing and heartbreaking. Although the event was centered around Alexandre’s family, many others came to offer their respects. Alexandre was an elder who touched many lives, and it was clear how deeply he would be missed.

People placed small tokens on Alexandre’s cross—a handmade mitten, a rosary fluttering in the wind.

Wapen went over to offer his condolences to Alexandre’s wife, Charlotte, who had requested that we all gather stones from the beach. These stones served as a parting gift from us to Alexandre and also helped keep the cross steady in the strong winds.

The tall ᐛᒋᓇᑭᓐ tree next to the site seemed to sing in the wind as we gathered for a moment of silence.

Charlotte and her daughters, Line and Alexandra, reached out to connect with him one last time.

As people withdrew, I held back, taking in the scene and imagining how time would change this sacred spot. The north both weathers and preserves, but as long as his family remembers, Alexandre’s memory will endure.

Aaron Einish stayed behind with me as the others retreated. He had brought a set of shears to help clear the area and make the space more comfortable for the family. Before we left, Aaron reminded Charlotte, “You’re never alone. We will help you, always.”

As the sun dipped lower, we knew we had to make our way back. The lake is dangerous at night without light, so we all set off in convoy for the southwest, back to the Kachikayach cabins. The temperature dropped quickly, but we were all filled with peace as we headed home.

The sky turned a brilliant gold, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for having been part of this day.

Back at Derek Jeremy Einish and Annie Vollant Einish’s cabin, they fired up the woodstove, and we warmed ourselves by the fire, sharing jokes and stories before heading back to camp.

On the way, we stopped at the ridge marking the border between Quebec and Labrador. Anaïs had never seen the Milky Way before, so we sat there for a while, spotting constellations, watching shooting stars, and tracking satellites as they passed overhead.

It was late by the time we returned to camp, and I was exhausted. But the party in the big tent was still going strong, so I joined in, dancing until they turned off the lights.

It was a good day.

Fri, Aug 30

Had breakfast with Johnny & Louisa B. Saganash. I’m really loving getting to know more about what Cree communities are like.

Today also marked the Community Walk Against Drugs and Alcohol. We all gathered at the intersection where Kachikayach Road splits between the Innu and Naskapi communities. Melissa Marie Peastitute has been key in organizing this movement; she even printed hoodies for everyone. Ajuash Uniam brought a busload of students to participate, which was amazing to see.

I wasn’t expecting such a large turnout! It was heartening to see so many people standing up against something that has deeply hurt our communities. Chiefs Theresa Chemaganish and Real McKenzie gave moving speeches, and Jean-Sebastien Louise Kapesh shared her own powerful testimony, driving the point home.

I put together a video of the walk, which I’m very very proud of.

Anaïs and I zipped ahead in the side-by-side to capture shots and videos as everyone marched. We ended the walk at the big tent, where more speeches followed—Father Raibe Alfred, both chiefs and William Moffat all shared words of encouragement and solidarity. I’ll post those speeches’ recordings on the Elders gathering page soon. As we walked to the Cultural Site, we stopped at the large sign forbidding drugs and alcohol.

One of the things I love most about the Elders Gathering is all the kids running around. Some of them learned from the elders how to pick blueberries and have been going out on their own to gather them and make “blueberry juice.” It’s such a sweet sight.

I took a quick trip back home in the afternoon for a shower. The weather has been incredible—warm, breezy, and fresh, with no bugs to speak of. I love it.

Back at the camp, communities have been visiting each other to trade and sell traditional wares. I saw a woman who brought a case full of beautiful handmade skirts for the Naskapi women to buy.

Later, I was in the kitchen when Elizabeth Pien held up a piece of bologna and joked, “Look, I made a PacMan!”

I had dinner with the Naskapi Elders tonight, which was a lovely way to wind down.

It seems like the sky is trying to outdo itself every evening. I just try to keep up to capture it.

As I was walking, a group of kids passed by and called out, “Are you the guy taking all the pictures? Take some of us! We’re going to listen to music!”

Soon after, an elderly couple made their way toward the big tent, saying, “We’re going to listen to music, too.”

I met a kid named ᓇᐱᓯᔅ who had made himself a bow. It reminded me so much of my childhood when I spent countless hours exploring the woods with Noah Nabinicaboo, Aaron Einish, James Pien, Donna Einish Mortimer, ᒐᓯᑲ ᓇᑕᐛᐱᔪᐤ, and so many others. Those were some of the best times.

As the sun set, the Big Tent was packed. Several bands played, and everyone danced the night away. It was a joyful, vibrant scene, filled with laughter, music, and movement.

Elders gatherings are for lovers, too. Couples cuddled up everywhere, enjoying the music under the stars. I wished Marilyne could be here to enjoy this.

Laurent Mark absolutely rocked the stage tonight, and bits of Northern Lights peeked through the clouds.

Today was a good day.

Tech Problems, Opening Ceremonies, and the Wind

Tue, Aug 27

A laptop is set up on a piece of plywood balanced between two chairs in a makeshift workspace. The screen shows a photo-editing software interface, with multiple images displayed. A mouse and mousepad sit to the right of the laptop, while cables and a power adapter are visible to the left. The scene is set in the Naskapi Kitchen, with folding chairs and tables in the background. The setting feels temporary and improvised, yet functional.

The next morning was rough. I hadn’t slept well, and things seemed off from the start. When I arrived at the Naskapi Kitchen to work, I discovered that the table I’d been using as a desk was gone. I had to improvise, piecing together a makeshift desk with a couple of chairs and a piece of plywood I found in the garbage. Not the ideal setup, but it got me through.

In the big tent, the air was full of anticipation. We held several meetings, tying up loose ends for the opening day of the Elders Gathering. The kitchen crew outdid themselves with an incredible breakfast spread, a reminder of the care and skill that goes into every meal here.

A man, identified as John Chescappio, stands beside a wooden signpost placed on the stage in a large tent. The signpost has directional signs showing the distances from the gathering site to various nearby communities, including Waswanipi (856 km), Masteuiatsh (803 km), and Kawawachikamach (9 km). John is pointing towards one of the signs. The stage is decorated with evergreen branches and traditional items, including a mannequin wearing Indigenous attire. The scene evokes a sense of connection among the communities represented.

John Chescappio added a beautiful touch to the gathering with a tall signpost for the stage, showing accurate distances between each community and the Gathering site. A subtle but powerful reminder of how far we’ve all come to be here together.

Michapow (Paul Arthur McKenzie) stands holding a microphone, leading the group in prayer before a meal at the Elders Gathering. He is dressed in a dark jacket, with glasses and short silver hair. Behind him, a large tent with curved windows can be seen, decorated with evergreen trees and banners. A microphone stand is nearby, and a banner in the background reads, "Empowering Your World - Lighting, Power, and Communications by Sichuun."

Before we ate, Michapow  (Paul Arthur McKenzie) led everyone in prayer.

Raoul Vollant, a SOCAM reporter, was busy interviewing elders and leaders, capturing their stories and wisdom. The elders were happy to be back together—it was heartwarming to see.

A floatplane buzzed over the camp as we ate, adding a classic northern touch to the scene. Would it even be a real northern camp without a floatplane flying by?

The reflection of Benjamin Jancewicz is visible on the screen of their MacBook Pro, which displays a restart error message. The background shows a tent structure with people moving around, blurred in the distance. The image captures the frustration of dealing with technical difficulties in an outdoor working environment.

The day wasn’t without its challenges. My computer started acting up while I was trying to edit videos, and after countless attempts, it refused to turn back on. As if that wasn’t enough, gale-force winds knocked out the internet, making everything more difficult. Five hours on the phone with Apple tech support felt like an eternity, and in between troubleshooting, I was still trying to shoot photos and videos.

A handmade wooden sign hangs at the entrance of Benjamin Jancewicz's tent. The sign is tied with yellow rope to a simple structure made from branches and features Benjamin’s name written in both Naskapi syllabics and English. A knitted green hat hangs nearby, and a chimney pipe from the tent’s woodstove is visible in the background. The sky is partially cloudy, casting soft light over the camp. The sign is a meaningful, personal touch in an otherwise rustic setup.

But there was a small, emotional lift during the chaos: I discovered that my Dad had made me a sign for my tent. It was a simple gesture, but it meant so much to me.

Meanwhile, preparations for the opening ceremony continued. The women dressed in their finest, and Samson came by to lend his expertise in butchering geese.

Noah Swappie stands in front of an audience, holding a microphone and presenting a slideshow on Naskapi history. Behind him is a large monitor showing a slide with images of Naskapi people and the Kawawachikamach logo. A vertical banner for the Institut Tshakapesh is visible in the background. He is wearing a gray shirt, black pants, and a hat, with a sash tied around his waist, symbolizing his cultural pride. A backpack sits on the floor near him.

Noah Swappie led a beautiful presentation on Naskapi history, which Nuwata Robinseeno helped put together.

You can view the full presentation here.

An elder woman smiles as she kneads dough in a large mixing bowl, her hands and face dusted with flour. She wears a checkered flannel shirt and glasses, while a man, likely another elder, stands behind her wearing a black shirt and a baseball cap. They are outdoors near a tent, as preparations for meals continue at the gathering. The expression on her face reflects her focus and warmth despite the busy kitchen setting.

In the kitchen, the cooks didn’t stop. They had no time to clean up, just moving from one task to the next as they prepared meal after meal for everyone.

A large group of children stands on stage, facing the camera with many smiling and waving enthusiastically. The kids, some dressed in traditional plaid clothing, are gathered in a semicircle at the front of the stage. Behind them, a large audience sits along the edges of the tent, watching the performance. The tent is spacious, with a high ceiling and large windows letting in natural light. The scene captures the joy and energy of the children's performance during the event.

The Jimmy Sandy Memorial School Grade 2 Class led the Opening Ceremony with a dance, all dressed up in traditional clothing. It was absolutely adorable.

You can watch the dance here.

Chief Theresa Chemaganish officially opened everything, accompanied by Chiefs and dignitaries from all the other nations. Several nations gave gifts to her and some of the organizers of the event.

Réal McKenzie, Mike McKenzie, Jean-Charles Piétacho, Simon Pokue, Theresa Chemaganish, Annick Flamand, Hervé Pinecic, and Angela Pasteen all gave speeches.

Michapow (Paul Arthur McKenzie) is seated on stage, holding drumsticks and smiling at the camera, preparing to start the Opening Ceremonies with traditional drumming. Behind him, other men in traditional vests are seen preparing and filming the event. The audience is seated in the background, wrapped in warm clothing and blankets, watching attentively. The setting is within a large, warmly lit tent adorned with Naskapi art and decorations.

Michapow (Paul Arthur McKenzie) started the Opening Ceremonies with traditional drumming.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted. Trying to make things work against all odds is draining. But I found a workaround for the video editing issue—using my phone to record video, transferring it to my iPad via an SD card adapter, and then uploading it with Ethernet. It was a hassle, but at least it worked.

Toward the end of the day, the rain got more intense. I was cold. I was wet. I was tired. But my stove was hot, my bed was warm, and as I lay there, the Northern Lights danced above me. Somehow, in the middle of it all, everything felt worth it.

Wed, Aug 28

A view of the large event tent set up for the gathering. Rows of empty chairs are positioned in the foreground, facing a stage decorated with greenery, drums, and a sign that reads "Wachiya means Hello & Bonjour." A few people are seen standing near the stage and scattered throughout the tent. The event banners and various displays line the tent's sides.

This morning started a bit differently. They held mass in the big tent, and I slept in, catching the tail end of it. I had been catching up on much-needed sleep, and despite the terrific windstorm from the night before, I slept like a stone.

Two elders stand next to a display table filled with Naskapi artifacts and crafts at the Naskapi Development Corporation exhibit. The table showcases traditional items, including a beaded pouch, a small reindeer figurine, and a colorful fabric piece. The elders appear to be appreciating the cultural items, reflecting the rich history of the Naskapi people. In the background, a stage and more seating are visible under a large event tent.

At the Naskapi Development Corporation’s display, they laid out artifacts, crafts, and the history of the Naskapi people. It was inspiring to see elders from other communities admiring the collection, taking in the rich stories of the past.

A small workstation set up in the kitchen tent includes a laptop, mouse, iPad, and water bottle on a black table. The laptop displays a login screen, while the iPad is locked, showing the time as 11:05. In the background, a long table with kitchen equipment, including a large bowl and mugs, is visible. A person wearing a "Native Pride" cap sits nearby. The reflective surfaces capture the photographer's reflection, adding a personal touch to the thoughtful breakfast setup arranged for them.

Back in the kitchen, the staff saved me some pancakes for breakfast and even set me up with my own little table. It was such a thoughtful gesture—one that made me feel so cared for.

Later in the morning, Caroline St-Onge led a session on grief. Our community was shaken by the tragic news that one of our young men had taken his own life during the night. The grief session was exactly what we all needed to process this heavy loss. The community has lost many people this year, but this event made it clearer than ever how much we need each other in these difficult times.

There was some beautiful singing after the session, which you can watch on the Elders Gathering – Rassemblement des aînés 2024 page. The sharing circles that followed were incredibly moving, with elders exchanging stories, comforting one another, and reconnecting in this sacred space.

I took a brief trip back to the village to shower, wash some clothes, and gather supplies. When I returned, the rain was easing up, and a giant rainbow arched across the tents.

Back at the main tent, all of us workers were treated to a lasagna lunch, a welcome break from the busy day. Cheyenne generously handed out handmade phone bags to the workers, and I received a beautiful one with feathers that matched my hoodie perfectly.

A woman wearing a green hoodie with colorful floral designs smiles warmly as she embraces a young boy sitting on her lap. The boy is bundled up in a black and tan jacket and wears a gray Carhartt beanie, smiling slightly. They are seated at a table inside a large tent with bright, natural light streaming in from the windows. The closeness and joy shared between them reflect the familial warmth and the importance of community at the elders' gathering.

Seeing so many children running around the gathering fills my heart with joy. It reminds me of the times I was brought to elders’ camps as a child—experiences that deepened my love for this community and continue to do so.

Inside a cozy Innu kitchen tent, four people sit around a table covered with a plastic tablecloth, enjoying a break. A man in a blue sweater gives a thumbs-up while another in a black jacket with glasses looks thoughtfully. To the right, a man in a black hoodie and cap sits with a hand on his chin, and a young girl with long dark hair in a black Champion sweatshirt looks off to the side. On the table are cookies, apples, a box of raisins, and other snacks. The tent's rustic wooden beams and tarps provide warmth and shelter, creating an atmosphere of shared stories and comfort.

While walking around the camp, I was approached by a man who asked, “You are Benjamin, aren’t you?” It turned out to be the father of Dan George, a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in decades. He brought me back to the Innu kitchen tent, where they treated me to hot tea and cookies as we reminisced about the old days.

Later, I helped salvage what was left of the donation center that my parents had set up, which had been obliterated by the storm. We managed to save some of the structure and the tarp, which I ended up using for my tent. At one point, the wind almost blew my dad away as we worked to secure everything!

Though the wind was still strong, the storm eventually cleared, rewarding us with a bright and crisp sunset. More tents were going up, and there are still many elders yet to arrive.

Back at the main tent, we crowned the king and queen of the gathering—Johnny and Louisa B. Saganash, a Cree couple. They treated us to a traditional dance, which was much faster than the Naskapi style!

We ended the day with a candlelight vigil for George Amos Guanish, who had passed away this morning. Julian Swappie-Thomas led a touching song, and Johnny and Louisa B. Saganash led everyone in comforting the Guanish family.

Afterwards, I spent some time visiting with the Naskapi Noohooms in their tent, listening to their stories of what life was like in the old days.

As I secured the salvaged tarp to my tent, the Northern Lights once again danced in the sky above me. I can’t help but feel deeply grateful to be here, surrounded by this land and these people.

Church, Boughs, Tents, Geese, Stars, and Firewood


Internet at the Ka Mamunuiitananuch Cultural Site ended up being a lot less cooperative than I expected, and I ended up having just enough time to upload the pictures for the Elder’s Gathering every day on social media… and very little else.

So, now I’m catching up with my journal posts. I couldn’t upload much video work on the Elder’s Gathering page either, so I’m editing videos and uploading them now. My computer also had issues, which I’ll get into.

But for now, my plan is to make posts covering 2-3 days, until I catch up with the present day. So here it goes!

Sun, Aug 25

Today started with a peaceful morning at St. John’s Anglican Church in Kawawachikamach. It was wonderful to see some of the Noohooms from the Elders Gathering outside, enjoying the quiet start to the day.

A rugged side-by-side vehicle parked on a gravel lot in front of a building with brown wood siding. The vehicle, a Yamaha Rhino with a camouflage paint job, has visible dirt on its tires and body. There is a white door on the side of the building in the background, along with a few windows and a satellite dish. A couple of green trash bins are also visible near the building. The sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue.

The Naskapi Nation has been generous enough to let me use a side-by-side vehicle to get around, and I’m incredibly grateful for it. I get a little dirty, but that’s all part of the experience out here. In the summer, the dust is everywhere no matter what you drive.

A close-up shot of a serving of caribou stew inside a takeout container lined with aluminum foil. The stew contains large chunks of tender caribou meat, potatoes, carrots, and peas, all immersed in a savory broth. The rustic presentation showcases a hearty, traditional dish, highlighting its rich, homemade quality. The background features a plain, light-colored table surface, with part of a red soda can visible on the right side of the image.

For lunch, I had in one of my absolute favorite dishes—caribou stew, prepared by the cooks at the Naskapi Kitchen.

Afterward, I spent some time photographing Naskapi women as they gathered spruce boughs for the elders. At one point, they handed me a chainsaw to help out, which I happily did—though I didn’t realize I was getting my picture taken too!

The men were also busy, drilling holes and trimming tent poles to set up tents for the elders.

It’s amazing to see entire streets created by rows of traditional tents.

A woman wearing a light gray cardigan stands in front of a wooden table, holding a goose in her hands as she prepares to burn the feathers off with a blowtorch. She is focused on the task, wearing black gloves for protection. Behind her, another woman, also holding a blowtorch, works on another goose at the same table. The ground around them is dirt and there are picnic tables in the background. The setting is outdoors, with a lake and forest visible in the distance under an overcast sky. Various supplies and tools are scattered around the workspace, with partially feathered geese on the table.

Behind the Big Tent, I helped Alexandria burn the feathers off of some geese. I learned how to do this when I was young, using a campfire, but we used a blowtorch instead due to the risk of forest fires. The scent of the burning feathers brought me back.

A side view of a large black Can-Am side-by-side utility vehicle parked on a dirt area surrounded by tall grass and trees. The vehicle is muddy from off-road use and features large rugged tires and a cargo bed in the back. The background includes a partially constructed building with Tyvek wrap and metal roofing, indicating an outdoor rural setting.

Later in the day, Martha-Joanne took me out in her boyfriend’s new ride to gather supplies from Kachikayach Lake for her grandmother Norma’s tent. She was kind enough to lend me a mattress and blankets so I could stay warm in my own tent.

Kachikayach is such a peaceful and grounding place, I miss our cabin there.

As we made our way back, the sun began to set and I flew my drone to capture the stunning colors of the sky as it dipped below the horizon.

The day ended with a moment of awe as I watched the Northern Lights dance across the sky. There’s something indescribably special about living in a place where you can casually look up and see the entire universe unfold above you.

I feel so lucky to have spent the whole day working on the land I love with the people I love.

Mon, Aug 26

I’ve come to really appreciate my mornings by Hanas Lake. There’s something so grounding and peaceful about starting the day in such a calm place. It centers me and helps me focus on the tasks ahead.

A plate of homemade breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs with melted cheese, crispy bacon, and two slices of buttered toast. The meal is set on a beige plate, resting on a gray and white patterned tablecloth. This breakfast was prepared after a return trip to Kawawachikamach for a shower and some quiet time.

There wasn’t any breakfast at the camp this morning, so I rode back to Kawawachikamach to take a good shower and make myself some breakfast.

A wiskichak (gray jay) is captured mid-flight, wings outstretched, as it flies toward a tent pole. The wooden tent structure and nearby tents are visible, set against a cloudy sky. The bird is believed to bring good luck.

As soon as I returned to the camp, a Wiskichak visited the camp, perching on my tent, and then on my neighbors. I’ve been told that these birds are good luck, and that good hunters would always leave a little bit of food out for them.

A man is standing in a large metal container filled with chopped firewood, holding a log in his hands. In the foreground, the back of a side-by-side vehicle is filled with more split firewood, ready for distribution. The scene is outdoors, under a partly cloudy sky, with another truck visible in the background. Benjamin Jancewicz is helping load and distribute firewood to various people at the camp.

Much of the camp needed firewood, so I spent most of the day helping people load up and distribute it. There’s something satisfying about contributing to the warmth and comfort of the camp, even in such a simple way.

Because I need both power and a strong internet connection for my work, they set me up in the Naskapi Kitchen. It’s a good spot—not only because of the resources, but because I’m surrounded by the warmth and delicious smells of people preparing great food.

My dad, Bill Jancewicz, and Maggie Mokoush-Swappie led prayers and singing in the big tent today. Hearing their voices lift in prayer and song, with the camp growing quiet to listen, was a touching moment.

More elders were moving into the camp, and Naskapi elders occupied the 5 cabins surrounding the Big Tent.

Some elders stopped by the kitchen to offer advice and tips to the younger women who were cooking.

Meanwhile, families were settling into their tents, preparing beds and visiting areas for the evening ahead.

Natush Peastitute stands in front of a white tent at the Naskapi camp during sunset. He is wearing a black jacket and a baseball cap, looking directly at the camera with a calm expression. Behind him, the sun is setting, casting a warm golden glow across the sky, with soft clouds illuminated by the fading light. The camp's tents and poles are visible in the background, and the scene captures the peaceful yet industrious atmosphere of the camp where Natush has been working hard for over a week, building platforms and setting up beds for the elders.

I’ve also noticed how hard workers like Natush Peastitute have been working. They’ve been here for over a week, building platforms, setting up beds, and installing tents for the elders. The level of dedication is inspiring.

As dusk began to fall, the camp slowed down, becoming softer and quieter. But the work in the kitchen wasn’t over yet! The ladies there were already busy preparing breakfast for the next day. While preparing cantaloupe, I couldn’t help but laugh when someone said, “This is just like butchering a seal!” Only in the North could you hear something like that!

By the time the half-moon rose, the stars were putting on a spectacular show, undimmed by the moonlight.

The elders of the Innu Nation reflect on future generations – Sylvie Ambroise – Le Nord-Cotier

An aerial view of a large campsite at sunset shows rows of white tents spread across a vast open area. Trucks are parked near the tents, and a central road divides the camp. The sun is setting in the distance, casting a warm orange and yellow glow over the forest that surrounds the camp. The sky is filled with dramatic clouds, creating a peaceful yet majestic scene. The logo in the bottom right corner indicates the event is associated with the Naskapi.
An aerial view of a large campsite at sunset shows rows of white tents spread across a vast open area. Trucks are parked near the tents, and a central road divides the camp. The sun is setting in the distance, casting a warm orange and yellow glow over the forest that surrounds the camp. The sky is filled with dramatic clouds, creating a peaceful yet majestic scene. The logo in the bottom right corner indicates the event is associated with the Naskapi.

Photo Benjamin Jancewicz, photographe pour la nation Naskapis de Kawawachikamach

From August 26 to September 4, about fifteen communities gathered for a total of about 500 people. The dean of the group is from the community of Pakua-Shipu. Her name is Henriette Vollant, and she is 92 years old.

There are 170 tents erected on the site. Each community has a kitchen, and people cook three meals daily for the elderly. They live without water or electricity but can access the internet thanks to Sichun, an internet service company of three communities, the Naskapi, Matimekush/Lac-John, and Uashat mak Mani-utenam.

The Gathering of Elders is an annual activity of the Innu and Naskapi nations. This year’s novelty is the integration of the Atikamekws, whose participation is the first for them. They are represented by 37 people from the three Atikamekw communities.

“I am very happy to be here; I love the openness and brotherhood we have here with the Innu and the Naskapis,” says Hervé Ottawa, a companion of the Wemotaci community.

These nations can speak about their concerns and aspirations for generations to follow. Joyce Echaquan’s event unites them.

“Many people talk to me about what is happening in each of their communities, in their respective hospitals; they live from discrimination,” says Debby Flamand, organizer of the trip.