Small Problems, Better Conditions

Questions from Melony Hill’s Writing for My Sanity Therapeutic Writing Workshop, held online.

Hanging out at Rivera Beach

Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, think of a small painful experience and share how it helped you transform your strength, growth or purpose.

I got stuck on this question, because I kept trying to figuring out what a small painful experience would be.

And I can’t figure out if that’s because small stuff doesn’t bother me…

Or if so many big painful experiences have happened that I don’t notice the small ones…

Or if I ignore small problems until they become big problems…

Or if I’m really great at handling small problems that they don’t feel like problems.

I’ll have to think about that some more.

We all think that happiness is something that will come when conditions in our lives are better. What things are you waiting for before you can be happy? What if they never happen?

I’m pretty happy right now. I’m stressed about the absurd things that are happening in the country, but personally I feel pretty good. I’m growing in a lot of ways, feel loved, I’m growing spiritually, I’m expanding my business, I have good support, and I’m investing in myself.

There are plans I made last year that I wanted to have happen this year that I thought would make me happy. I thought I was going to be traveling regularly, made plans to explore the Caribbean, was looking forward to visiting my girlfriend at the time a lot, wanted to visit my parents regularly… and none of that could happen.

And… I’m still happy. I’m adjusting, rolling with the punches. I’m not always great at it and sometimes I get hit and go down, but I’m still working on it.

One Reply to “Small Problems, Better Conditions”

  1. I honestly don’t know if you remember me from my time in Kawawa. But I’ve seen you three grow up. I just want to say that I really admire you. I am following your journey. Mine is just beginning yet again. To start over a second time is going to be hard but I know that I can do it. A broken heart does heal, it’s just so fucking painful in the beginning. You are such a amazing young man and I am hoping to get through this by following your example. I think of you often. Thank you for the inspiration ❤️

    Marlene McDonald (Used to be Sandy)

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