Steve Mathewes, The Mercury & Gospel Choir

In case you haven’t heard, the sky is falling.
And as it turns out, my parents and I aren’t the only ones in trouble.

Steve Mathewes

Meet Steve Mathewes.
He’s a talented musician (with a B.A. in the field), accomplished performer and has a musical steel trap for a mind. He can, at any given moment, reproduce a menagerie of musical facts the artists themselves probably have forgotten.
You probably remember me talking about his wife; Jocelyn. She was my former classmate at Messiah, and coworker when we worked for the National Fatherhood Initiative.
They also have a baby daughter, who is about the same age as Nya. Once their baby Ruth came along, Jocelyn decided to become a stay at home mom and to grow her event photography business.
And just about 3 weeks ago, Steve lost his job.

Steve had just taken a vacation, and while he was away, the company he was working for decided they were getting hit pretty hard by the economy too, and decided to lay off some people. People like Steve.
So without any warning (fuggedabout 2 weeks) Steve comes back to find himself jobless.

A few days ago, Jocelyn sent around Steve’s resumé, so here I am passing it along to you.
Some of you may be interested in his private services; he is an accomplished Piano Tuner, and also gives drum lessons.
If you need him, or have a job available, contact him.

The Mercury

I stayed up quite late last night, and not doing Zerflin work.
Troy has been quite the slippery character. He has a really hard time staying focused, and from where our car is parked in front of our house, every passer by, cell phone call, and anything else is a distraction. So, yesterday, from the time I got home until about 1 in the morning, I stood around the car and helped him put it back together.
And we got quite a bit done. The fender is back on and firmly attached, the hinge on the hood is bent back into place, the tie-rod is straightened and reattached, and the anti-freeze has been refilled.
The tire still needs to be replaced, as does the axle, but I feel accomplished.
I’m still worried, though. Next Tuesday we’re driving up to Quebec. If worst comes to worst, we may have to rent a car. But I really really hope it doesn’t.
Keep praying.

My Parents Car

Still no news on my parents car situation. So far the response has been slow. That didn’t really surprise me… not too many people want to buy art during an economic downturn!

Gospel Choir

Again, more bad news. Remember Twi? Among other things, his car was totaled. He was in some traffic and while he was checking his blind spot, someone stopped in front of him. Keep him in your prayers. He’s optimistic and is already looking at new cars, but that, along with us not being able to sing this month (the church has some other matters to attend to) has him in need of prayer.

That’s all the news for now.
Talk to you later!

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