Caverns, Pagoda, & Still Sick

Song currently playing: DC Talk – What if I Stumble


Tuesday finds me sick, but recovering.
Sunday evening was great, I love spending time with Mr. Ho. We went to Indian Echo Caverns. It was his first time going, though everyone in his house had gone. He never got to go because he had to work. He had invited me over to his house a couple weeks before, and I had recommended we rectify that problem.
He readily agreed, as long as it was accompanied by a Vietnamese dinner at a restaurant later, his treat. Of course, I was up for that. 😀 (Big Grin)

The caverns were truly stunning, and Mr. Ho, who had never seen such a thing, was truly stunned. Unfortunately, none of the dozens of pictures I took came out. My camera sucks in the dark, and has a terrible processing speed. Ah well. We had fun. Afterward we went out to a Vietnamese restaurant in Harrisburg. I had Pho’ (pronounced Fa), which is a delicious minty stew with beef, lettuce, parsley, sprouts, and different parts of a cow stomach. If the last one makes your stomach churn, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. It’s delicious.
It was joined with the complimentary spring rolls and French Iced Coffee. Mr. Ho also introduced me to a Coconut drink too, which I will have to learn how to make.
We spoke of many things, of love, of war, marriage and separation. I pity him sometimes, he has had such sorrow in his later years… if only his children saw that.

Monday we had Pagoda practice, and I met Saxton’s old roomie Long. Very nice fellow, and one heck of a football arm. He had had surgery done which had cost him a limp in his legs, but he made up for that by nailing every shot he fired.
Practice went well, we ran through the set smoothly, and Lox and I went over the solos in My Heart Set with the Sun and Of Things to Come, which I had been having trouble with. I think I’ve pretty much got them down.
Unfortunately, the blasted computer I’m trying to build for the band is not reading ANY drives now, causing me more frustration in not getting the band soft-recording. I’m thinking about changing motherboards.
The band just… gelled last night. Dunno. There was something there. We were running a new system, Lox got himself a new amp. I think he needs to spend some more time alone with it to get the levels, he doesn’t have as much bass pumping out of it. It’s nice and loud, but screechy.
Saxton used Lox’s old amp to sing through, but that was really screechy too. My head felt like needles by the time we were done.
I like having Saxton’s old amp to sing through, though. I think it fits my voice pretty well.
Lox caught me with the Man in the Movie song, but I told him I didn’t want to show it until after recording. I need to spend more time with it on the keyboard anyway, I need to develop the cello part more.
He mentioned, however, that he thought bands stayed together longer if each player brought a song to they had wrote to the table, and THEN asked for input.
I agreed with that very much. We do that sometimes, but a lot of our songs start out with someone messing around and everyone else jumping on the bandwagon. That works very well in some cases, but heaven forbid if you have any pre-defined ideas about the song, because the other players will squash them flat. Also, sometimes the medley completely changes because we can’t hear each other. This completely wrecks harmony at times.
I’m not sure. It works sometimes, but at times I feel it leaves something out. Orchestration is an important part of songwriting to me; I don’t put in parts of a song for no reason.
Dunno. I plan on having the cello, piano and vocals down before I play The Man in the Movie for them, and then ask what they might think about backup vocals, drums, guitar & bass. I think some of us like it one way and some of us like it the other, so I think compromise is good.
Besides, we do write some good stuff off the cuff.

We’ll see after this weekend.

Pho’ and Chai

Song currently playing: The Moffats – Bang Bang Boom

I love that song. ^_^

I’m very very sick. I started getting it Friday night, and by Saturday it was full-blown. My coworker had it and passed it on to me. No fun. Hopefully it won’t last long, though, and I’ll be up and at ’em tomorrow for work & Pagoda practice.

Speaking of practice, WE RECORD IN A WEEK!!!!!
I’m excited. As much as I hate recording, I’m thinking it maybe a little more fun in an actual studio.
Practice went really well on Wednesday, we moved upstairs to the empty bedroom to avoid any further floods. I love the acoustics of this room, it makes everything vibe really good.
I’m not sure what’s going on with Saxton. I got weird vibes from the band that night. Saxton wrote a rap section to “Love Song for No One at All”. It seemed a little sarcastic to me at first, because I’m not sure if he was ridiculing my “style of music”.
Apparently, everyone in the band assumes my style of music is “happy sugar music”. Spam has mentioned it, and Saxton’s rap mentioned it, and Lox seems to have it in his head too. I don’t know where they get the idea from. I listen to every genre under the sun, and will play it on my keyboard too if I have the capability.
I suppose I can’t expect too much from them, they’ve really only just met me. Maybe one day they’ll discover more sides to me. In the mean time, I’ll do my best not to throw off ‘band unity’ with my eccentric musical tastes and philosophies.
I’m trying to work with every member, but having them assume stuff about me makes it difficult.
Ah well. *goes and listens to some Pavarotti*

On Friday my boss Berte took my and Christina out for lunch in her Mustang. (:iconrobotorion:) (Smile) I LOVE riding in convertibles!!! We went to a restaurant called the “Old Country Buffet”. Interesting place, I don’t eat American food much. Lot’s of weird stuff, like steamed cabbage, fried catfish and sauerkraut.
I didn’t like most of it, but they had some REALLY good macaroni and cheese and Boston Seafood Salad. Yummeh. 🙂 (Smile)

Friday night I went out for a BBQ at James Hubbards’ house, he’s the international students supervisor. That was a blast. We had burgers and hot dogs, played Croquet and then lounged around playing Taboo while the fireflies danced around us.

Afterwards, we all went out to see Bad Boys II, the second time for me. I kinda had to go seeing as how I was the Van driver, but I love movies anyways.
I really want to see Pirates of the Caribbean, though.
I almost fell asleep a couple times in the movie, the sickness was really taking hold by that time.
Eventually it ended, and we headed home. Once I got to my room, I just crashed into bed.

The beach trip was canceled on Saturday due to lack of people, but it was good for me, because I slept in and stayed in bed being so sick.
I’ve been spending a lot of time in Janice’s room, she sprained her ankle and has been pretty much confined to 3rd floor. I brought her my new laptop, so she might have something to do.
We watched Insomnia in Setti’s room, with Lalrem, Magda, Boone, Eunice and Joy. That was one freaky movie. Well thought out, and very very psychological. I liked it, but it was a little dark for my tastes.

And that brings me to today.
I’m going out with Mr. Ho, an elderly Vietnamese war veteran whom I used to work with in the dining hall dish room. Very good friend. We’re going to Indian Echo Caves and afterwards he’s taking me out for Pho’ and a Vietnamese restaurant. I love Pho’.

Adios, muchachos!

Hershey Park

Song currently playing: Bring me to Life – Evanescence

It’s Aliiiiiiiiiive!

My computer is finally functioning again, after much toil. I’ve been reinstalling all my programs slowly, I need to work on my scanner and my tablet next. I did a new DevID, though. I felt it was time for a new one.

I also created a new account, , whose purpose will be to illustrate my journal. The work there is not artistic, but since I like being creative, chances are you’ll find some interesting shots there. It is more of a photo album of the rest of my life. You will meet all my friends there, and will be able to see what I’m really like. The journal will still be post here, but if you want to see the pictures, go there.

My moped broke down while I was out buying software for my computer, but a nice man helped me out. He threw my moped in the back of his little pickup truck and drove me home. Cool guy. He’s a retired computer systems installer who used to ride motorcycles. He installed the base systems for all the Navy’s computers, and continued to update them until 2000. Very very smart man. I gave him my number, he’s going to look for motorcycles for me.

I woke up Monday, panicking that I was late for work.
Then I realized that I was going to Hershey Park!
We left early, I drove a van dubbed “the bachelor mobile”, since all the single guys (including myself) happened to hop on board. We jammed to the radio all the way there, windows down and breeze blowing in our faces.

It was the most perfect day. After figuring out meeting places and times, we scattered through the park. Me and a bunch of other friends ran to the very end of the park to work our way back, so as to avoid the lines. It wasn’t bad, though, since it was a Monday. We went on every water ride and every roller coaster (some a couple times!!!). I had so much fun.
I didn’t get into much deep conversation like I had the last time I went to Hershey Park, but I had a blast anyways so it didn’t really matter.
I mostly hung out with Lalrem, Boone, Collins, Janice, Erin, Eunice, Magda, and Regina. The others usually dispersed themselves throughout the park. Priscilla, Jon, and the Hubbards I barely saw, and that was just by chance.

I had to leave early, unfortunately. A bunch of kids needed to be back early, so I loaded them into the van and took them home. I kinda did need to get back, so I could make band practice, but it wasn’t easy leaving that park.

It ended up good that we got back, though, because then I got dinner at Lottie, and was able to take a couple stabs at my computer when I got back.
Practice was awesome, though I sometimes still wonder if Jared’s completely comfortable with me. I just [i]feel[/i] something different from him. It’s not the same as Lox & Spam, we just have a strong connection yet. I’m hoping this will improve once we start working on the Direct Hit side project. We’ll see. He seems almost defensive of his lyrics, it makes me increasingly nervous when I’m asked to do backup vocals. Crowds don’t make me nervous, but I can’t sing to my full potential when I’m nervous.
I get the feeling that he’s been criticized to much on his vocals & lyrics. Even when Spam makes suggestions, he gets very defensive. We’ll see what happens.
The basement flooded right in the middle of practice, sending puddles to the middle of the floor. The stream headed to our amps, so we ended up abandoning practice and getting everything off the floor.

The rainstorm was gigantic, knocking out the internet for a while and felling several branches off the tree in our neighbor’s yard.

Got to clean the house tonight, Cathy is coming over tomorrow at 1 to “inspect”.

Happy Fathers Day

Song currently playing: Thinking of You – Bonnie Pink

Happy Fathers Day, everyone! Call your Papa!

Yippeee! I’m fwee!

Photography class is over, and I got my grade back! A-!!!! I was floored! This guy is one hard grader! On top of that, though, he pulled me aside and talked all about how much he liked me in the class! AND, he gave me a whole box of photopaper! The stuff is worth like 50$!!! Anyways, I’m pretty happy. 🙂
It’s still not completely paid for, though I’m trying. Another paycheck is supposed to come in Friday, maybe that will boost it enough.

I now have more time. I got to send all my citizenship papers in. Hopefully they’ll reach my Dad in time.

The car is almost all primered, now I need to get that paint in from the Mazda dealership, and I’ll be all set.

Lox, the guitarist in Pagoda is staying at my place for a little while, and we’ve been writing songs right and left.

I got to get back to work, I’m finishing up a price list for a website design that :devkelticangel: proposed to me.

Death to Microsoft

So, my computer is dead. It contracted a virus that slipped through my virus protection and wrecked havoc by installing so much spyware it overloaded my CPU and crashed. I wiped me C: drive (which has no artwork on it, by the way) and am in the process of reformatting and reinstalling. Hopefully my D: drive will be ok, ’cause that’s where all my work is. I unplugged it, so it should be fine.

In the meantime, I’m writing to you from a laptop I found in the dumpster this weekend. It needed work, so I fixed it and now I can connect to DA and type. It is a Win98 machine, has a 1.5 GB hard drive, no sound hardware and registers about 30 words per minute. I have to pause every now and then to let it catch up with my typing. Ah well, it works, and it’s portable. So, what the heck.

I’ve been busy, I went to see the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on Friday. Pretty good movie, that is VERY true to the books. Some of the plotline is a little improbable and the computer graphics a little hokey, but all in all it was worth it.
On Saturday I went to the Lancaster Outlets. I didn’t but anything, I just went because I was the driver for the trip, and spent the entire afternoon napping on a picnic table under a gazebo. Beautiful day. 🙂 (Smile) Saturday night I went to a Pearl Jam concert. One of my friends got tickets for my whole band to go. It was awesome. I got pretty close too, just in front of the soundboard stage.

I won’t be putting up any work until my computer is fixed, just to let you know.


Song currently playing: Oracle – Paul Spaeth

Holy mother of Buddah! I’ve reached 1000 pageviews!
*feels very conceited* *blush*
People … are … WATCHING ME. o_O (paranoid)
Cool! ^_^

Anyhow, it seems a lot of people liked my Poetry submission “Light in the Window”. It’s currently my top piece (it bulldozed Slanted Sunset in a matter of hours, peaking at 10 comments and 6 favs).

*deflates head*

I did get a mysterious number of DevWatches by people whom I have not met, however. I Devwatched them back, so I guess I’ll find out who they are when they submit something.

Things are going good here, though I feel I’m constantly behind in practicing for the band. I’m ready, and we’re having a practice tonight, but I keep feeling I’d rather spend time on Bittner 3rd or in the Green House with my friends. Ah well.
I guess less Devtime will help that, I’m going to try and cut myself back down to one Dev a day.

I feel like I talked :icongreenegssandham:’s ear off… she asked me what had happened with the situation with Caroline.
Oie. Me so Dumb.

I’m really starting to appreciate ‘s comments, he’s very insightful, and doesn’t beat around the bush.

No dreams lately, but I keep feeling that I’m letting something pass me by. It’s a repetitive feeling, and it’s driving me wild. There are at least 7 girls who are close friends who I feel I should be spending more time with, but I’m running myself ragged as it is. *sigh* I wish I didn’t have some things in my life, so that I could sit down and chat with them like I chat with some people on this site.
I don’t know, I guess I just feel bad when this very very sweet girl comes up to me in the cafeteria and remarks that it’s been unfortunate that she hasn’t seen me in a while.

Sensing people’s feelings is something I naturally do, but right now there are so many that I’m trying got decipher.

In Maryland

Song currently playing: Children – Robert Miles

And so I write to you remotely.

I am at my friend Rob’s house, who was kind enough to come pick me up at my house for a weekend to hang out at his very welcoming family’s house in Maryland. I was originally going to go to VA Beach, but I wasn’t able to get a hold of my friend Kim, a Vietnamese student who lives there. Ah well, I’m having fun here.

I’ll be missing a Pagoda practice tomorrow night, which is a shame, but we’re doing well, and aren’t too pressed for practices anyways.

Very vivid dreams lately, though none of them Deja Vu, I can tell. Short clips, usually of me being in close encounter with a girl. It amazes me how much I miss that; simply feeling truly welcome in the same place. It… just makes me feel content inside, even if we’re doing something as mundane as studying together… the interaction is like liquid electricity for me. Each single solitary event like that makes me feel as if I could shut down completely at that moment and live on that feeling for the rest of eternity.
Maybe I fall in love to easily. But if were to mean I would be deprived of this feeling, than I wouldn’t want it.

The dreams are never the same girl, oddly enough, most likely preying on my own insecurities about whether girls are really attracted to me or not. But I entertain the dreams, at least they’re better than my overactive mind coming up with every type of rejection a particular girl could give me, should I ever come outright and say what I was feeling. This happens too often in my own head anyways.

*stares in irony a moment as he reads his own journal*

I must at all costs drop my inhibitions the next time the opportunity arises, her exactly what I’m feeling. I’ve got to give it at least a try.
*goes on to justify himself*
I’ll be a Senior, after all, I don’t have much to lose in being completely honest.
Say if I merely said I found her cute. This would be no lie.
Say I found her personality attractive. This would be no lie either.
Say I told her I wanted to be her friend. This would also be no lie, but would most likely kill any serious chances of me ever being her friend (or anything deeper, for that matter.)
And this my arguments bazooka themselves to death.

Unless, of course, she smiled prettily and said she found she liked me too.
Then you might as well bazooka me, because I would be completely GONE by then anyways.

Girls often have a list of visible criteria to figure out which is a good guy. Guys only need an opportunity to get to know them.


Song currently playing: Daddy’s Home – The Temprees

Good evening ladies and gents,

No post for tonight, I’m rendering a short clip for my 3D submission. Worked hard on the camerawrok, making sure it didn’t look too choppy. We’ll see how it looks like tommorow morning.

Still no work on ‘s site, she just got back from vacation, and things are a little crazy for her at the moment.

Pagoda had a fantastic practice Saturday night, we played all our potential EP songs straight through, and NAILED them. We could have recorded last night and it would have been awesome.

I go back to work tomorrow, and my boss is supposed to give me feedback on my poster design for her. That should go well. I think I may need to ask for more vacation this week, because I’m going to be helping my dad move a car to Connecticut. For the 4th of July, I’m thinking of heading down to Virginia Beach for some time off. :) (Smile) I have a friend down there, and she said I could stay with her. Her mom cooks the most awesome Vietnamese food, too.

I wish I could spend more time on Bittner 3rd. One of my good friends is back from England, she is so good to talk to. I love when I can get into a really deep conversation. I think I’m going to limit myself to 1 submission per day, to give me time to do other stuff. I’m averaging 1 or 2 new people a day, and that takes a little time to follow up on.

I’ve been getting some deep conversations with and . I think I may have talked to much, though… I hate doing that x_x sometimes I scare people off. I just really like talking to people who see things on a deeper level.



Mood: Gloomy .: Melancholy :.
Listening to: .: Ricardo Arjona – Ella Y El :.
Reading: .: The Count of Monte Christo :.
Watching: .: Fahrenheit 9/11 :.

Sometimes I wish I weren’t so bloody romantic.
I’ve officially moved into Harrisburg. Camp is over, and I’m now completely on my own, living on the scrapings of cash and plugging as much money as possible into student loans.
And I like Harrisburg. I keep finding beautiful things about this city. It has incredible charm, and a very friendly and loving atmosphere to it. A third of it lies in ruins similar to Michael Moore’s home town, a third consists of pleasant townhouses with carefully tended lawns and striking architecture, and the last third is the bustling down town where the two previous are mixed with glass and steel.
It is a beautiful place.
And I keep having to remind myself that I want to see the world. I doubt I will stay at Nativity more than a year, I want to travel. I want to get rid of these blimmin school loans, though. They’re driving me up a wall. I want freedom. Comparatively, I don’t have much. Far less than the average student. But I still have them. And I don’t like them.
And so I’ve been finding all the beautiful nooks and crannies of this city. The independent movie theatre. Classy places to dine. Scenic walking routes filled with fireflies and bridges with lights. Beaches on the water perfect for escaping to.
And here I am, all alone. A bloody hopeless romantic. And now that I’m freshly graduated, I have almost no female contact at all. I must apologize to all you guys out there, but sorry, I don’t get along with guys that well. I just don’t. The typical guy and me don’t have a whole lot in common; and most of the time I either end up wanting to beat them up for being a chauvinist pig, or being bored to tears talking about insignificant stuff. And I sound like something’s wrong with me now when I say I miss girls. I miss their company.
I’m sure the time will come. It shakes my independence, I guess I just need to get into the scheme of keeping myself occupied.

Pagoda had it’s first practice in a while tonight. It went sloppy, but we did well. I kinda wish it would die, though. Saxton sent everyone an e-mail about hints that he might leave the band. I’m not wishing he would, but I could see how less people would be better for the band. Jeff, I don’t know. Jeff writes music well. But it is hard to work with him for some reason. I’m not sure why.
I don’t know. Sometimes I get discouraged. Lox, Jeff & Mike have such weird playing ideals. Whenever a chord progression is too regular, they seem to throw it out. No one appreciates standard tried-and-true music compositions, the kind of stuff I love. I am convinced that certain progressions and time signatures are pleasing to the ear; and experimenting within those limits is the key to writing good music.
Ah. I’m just frustrated.
I need to fix the headlight on the Wiiskichaan so I can ride around at night.
I wish Tamika would call.


Song currently playing: Start the Commotion – the Wiseguys


I’m back, as you’ve probably guessed from the plethora of comments. Thanks so much for reading my last post, your comments really helped a lot. I’m doing ok, and Pagoda’s going to meet tomorrow to perhaps meet our new manager and talk about the song.

It appears as if I have quite a few more people Devwatching me, some of whom I’ve never met! Well, He’s to meeting them…

Vacation wasn’t too good. My sister and I were on our way to Creationfest (a huge concert with about 50 bands) when my van died. It blew a gasket, which costs about 2000$ to fix. Needless to say, I scrapped it and then Lox came to pick me up (the boy drove 5 hours to come get me!). I’m safe and sound now, and working to unpack and clean my room.

More posts soon,,,