Ancient Factories, Missing Someone, and LOTR 3

Song Playing: I gotta find peace of Mind – Lauryn Hill


At the risk of moving that insanely long journal post to the bottom of the stack, I write a new one.

And today was pretty boring too. ๐Ÿ˜›

Got up and went for a walk early this morning. Everyone had already left the house for their last day of school, and I was alone in the house. I wasn’t very hungry, so I grabbed my sketchbook and headed out the door.

Occam, Connecticut, where my parents are staying temporarily while my sister completes her last year of high school, is a pretty dead place. There is a dam with a waterfall about 100 feet wide, and so I explored around there for a while. Lots of very bad graffiti. Not bad in the sense it was vulgar, it was just poorly done. Suburban misfits trying to be ghetto.
The town was originally founded because of a huge mill of some sort, which has since been demolished. The foundation still remains, though, and it was interesting to walk around in. It’s just a gigantic factory floor in the middle of a vacant lot with weird trees growing out of the seams of the concrete. The growth was strange; twisted trees with pods and vines and pricker bushes. Inhospitable, but dry and dead in the winter light. Reminded me of the ghost town of home.

I passed the factory, and began walking along the main street, but didn’t get very far before my Dad drove by. I stuck out my thumb and rode home with him.

I’m finding I miss Inya. It’s not an extreme pining, not a miss-you-so-much I can’t think-sleep-eat-breathe thing,,, I simply miss her. She’s fun to be around. It’s even fun to have the POTENTIAL of being around her. I’m not sure how to describe it without sounding like a dang fool.
I’ve been reading “The Mis-Education of the Negro”, and am over half way through it. Listening to sad songs by Lauryn Hill and Nora Jones.
I made up my mind to e-mail her when I got back tonight.

My family decided to go out to see LOTR 3 after lunch today; since my brother and sister only had a half a day of school. I decided to come along as well.
We ate egg salad sandwiches on the way. Barrett, my sis’ boyfriend came along too.

It was cool seeing it again, but I had a headache by the time we got out. Not sure why. Maybe the first time was just so good… ๐Ÿ˜‰

And guess what I came home to. She wrote to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m going to sleep now….

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