A Camera, A Responce, & Falling in Love

Song Playing: Cracking the Russian Codes – James Horner
Fantastic song for dizzying thoughts…


This is going to be a quick one, because I have much else to write tonight before I go to bed.

My father and I went out to visit pawn shops today, and in New London we finally found what I was looking for. I ended up buying a Canon EOS Rebel 2000 (it’s a 35mm SLR camera) with a 28-200mm telephoto lens for 170$. I worked the dealer down from it’s original price of 200$. I looked later online, and the telephoto lens ALONE is worth 150$!! I was quite pleased, especially since I had been given a total of 170$ by various aunts uncles and grandparents for Christmas. My father bought me a case, lens filter, lens cover and a bunch of film to go with it. I’m sooo excited to use it. 🙂

We got home, and I found about 5 or 6 messages from Inya. Apparently she doesn’t have a whole lot of privacy from her uncle and her sister in Philly, and it was quite the struggle for her to finish an e-mail. Like I said, I had written her a list of questions with my responses to hers, and so I guess it took her a while to work through them.

And the final answer on the most important question? Maybe.
She still is unsure if she is falling in love with me, but she seems willing to find out. What I’m gathering was that it’s a little awkward for her explaining everything out in e-mail, and that she’d rather talk about it in person. This is a tremendous relief for me, because I feel the same way. I can tell a lot about a person by looking in their eyes.
So, what will happen, I don’t know.

One of her questions was how much I’d be willing to change for someone I loved.
It’s an interesting question, because I am both completely flexible and completely steadfast in two areas. In faith and in personality, I am steadfast. In manner of dress, language, appearance, and in the way I carry myself, I am complete Chameleon.
I am guessing that she’d like to change the way I dress, and perhaps my physique. My clothes are currently a mix between being a street thug, skater boy, and the occasional preppy sweater. And in summer, I wear Hawaiian shirts. How much she’d be willing to change, I’m not sure. But I don’t have a whole lot of problems with it. I’m probably most attached to the Hawaiian shirts, but even they can be worn formally. One thing I’m probably not going to do is cut my hair, though.
In terms of physical appearance; I say go for it. I’m not the most athletic, though I used to be. I’d love incentive to get running, swimming or lifting again. I simply haven’t because I’ve been giving the excuse I haven’t got the time.

Now, I know some of you are going to protest and say “don’t let a girl run your life!”
Well, nuts to you. Like I said, I’m a complete Chameleon. I change my outer appearance occasionally for fun ANYWAYS. If she’s going to help me have a better sense of class in dress, I’m all for it.
She’ll probably have to do it gradually, though, because too big of a change might throw me (and my friends too) off a bit.

My family went out a party with people from church, and that’s what I just got back from, so now I’m going to go write to her.

So, yeah. I’m happy. I’m falling in love. I’m not completely in yet, but it won’t take much more. I still don’t know where this is going, but I trust God’s in control. I just need to keep my eyes on him.

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