Mom, Laptops, & Forgiven


Song playing: Bryan Adams – Run Free

I am with my parents at their temporary house in Connecticut.

Had an abrupt conversation about my band’s main venue playing in bars. My mom doesn’t like it. My dad understands it. I wish my parents would talk with me more, it’s just that they don’t seem how to. Over a monopoly game, my mom suddenly asks me if I had a girlfriend. I was kinda shocked. I said no, but was rather struck by the way she brought it up. But then… that’s how she asks me about anything she’s nervous to talk to me about… But I didn’t know how to make her un-nervous. I don’t mind talking about such things at all, and I kinda wish I could confide about Nina, Inya and Caroline.

Inya asked me about Nina the other day, and what our relationship was.
Wait, rewind.
That movie we were going to watch… well, it never happened. We were going to see Spellbound, but she was working on some important classwork instead. However, she called me when she was done. I loved that. 🙂 We talked for a long time.
And then… Monday? no Tuesday she came over with her laptop. It had funky spyware on it, and she needed help getting it off. So, she hung out in my office and we talked… until 1 AM … 🙂
She caught on that the poem I read at the poetry night was about her. Which is kinda funny, because she didn’t realize it at first, and pestered me about who the girl in the poem was.

Anyhow, she asked me who Nina was, and asked me what had happened between us, an so I told her about how I had messed up.
She understood, oddly enough. She seems to understand how I work. Which is understandable, I guess, since she’s known me for so long. But it’s… tingly. Not exactly scary, not exactly exciting. In between.

Anyways, right after that, Nina and I had a really good conversation. Over IM, of course, but I was able to rebuild some of the things I had messed up, and got a chance to apologize.
It’s kind of odd, Nina and Inya have both forgiven me for some stuff that in my opinion they shouldn’t have… I was quite the jerk, I messed up really bad on both occasions, even though it was accidental.
But, they did.
And I am eternally grateful. It’s helped me recover two very good friendships.

Now, I have to go finish the letter I’m writing.
… to Caroline. Inya gave me some advice, she said it didn’t have to be long in order for it to have significance. It could be short, and even the fact that I wrote it would have significance.

She’s made a good point. Doesn’t make it any easier to write, but at least that part is cleared up.

Oh, Chamindo, why do all these things happen at the same time?
Give me wisdom, give me peace, give me love.

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