Driving home from Pennsylvania

Cover of "Life of Pi"
This was a really magical movie.

We spent Thanksgiving up on the outskirts of Philadelphia with the Pinkney family. It was at times strained and tense, but overall, it was a really nice trip. Highlights of course included dinner at her grandparent’s Barbara and Nathan, a discussion on homosexuals as a social group, and getting to see Life of Pi at the 309 AMC.

Promotional poster of The Walking Dead.
That’s me. The Walking Dead. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I woke up much later than I wanted to. Tamika and I had stayed up to watch the cliffhanging episode (what episode isn’t) of The Walking Dead, but by the time I was about to turn in; it was already 2am.

It almost seems inevitable; every day that winds up being my bedtime. It’s very frustrating. We’ve already identified that the bulk of our frustrations with life come from not getting enough sleep, and yet…

Tamika and I had agreed the night before that we wanted to hit the road by noon, but at 11:20 I hand only just gotten myself; so that wasn’t going to happen. I had a bunch of Zerflin work to get done before we headed out (a review of a Baseball website and some work on a 3D house), so I got through that as quick as I could and helped Tamika fold clothes and get the car packed.

English: Logo from the radio program This Amer...
If you don’t listen to this podcast, you’re seriously missing out. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The roads were pretty clear. So after a stop at the Wawa for some gas, a turkey club and a chai, we were on our way. We made decent time, and other than getting blown around on the bridge a bit, it was pretty uneventful. I finally got Waze and the iPhone’s Podcast app to work together, so we were able to listen to Radio Lab, This American Life and The Moth on the ride home.

I dove back into Zerflin work when we got home; and the kids drew on the iPad and played with some glowsticks they got. Tamika was exhausted, so she’s upstairs taking a nap now. Going to try to get dinner ready soon. Salmon, I think. And rice.

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