Gas leak fixed

I got home from work today before Tamika did, and Talisha and her boyfriend were out, so I was home alone. Tamika hadn’t been feeling so great this morning, so we had driven separately, me in our Saturn, her in Talisha’s.

Part of the curb outside our house comes up about half a foot, so I gunned the engine and boosted the rear of the car up in the curb. Our neighbor Troy (the one fixing the Mercury) and I had previously determined that the fuel leak was coming from the rear, and not from the front of the car like I had originally thought.

While I was positioning the car, our neighbor Gary (really good guy) came out and offered me his wheel ramp. I lifted the car up on the ramp, and started feeling around underneath the car.

I hadn’t been under there more than 5 minutes when Troy came by, and without a word, slid under the car with me, and began helping me get it done. Seeing the opportunity; Gary had me regurgitate the car situation to him while Troy and I worked. I’m pretty sure Troy got the drift of the gravity of our car situation, and after Gary left, remarked that he might have some time later on this week to fix the Mercury.

Around this time, Tamika and Talisha both rolled up. Troy and I lowered the gas tank down out of the car, and discovered a puddle of gas sitting in one of the cavities in the tank. We discovered a hairline crack in one of the pipes that was attached to a hose in the top of the tank. We put some tank sealing putty on it, and put it all back together again.

So, here’s hoping!

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