Karate Kid and his Broken Down Passat


I am worn out! My chest, arms and legs are all aching. Yesterday was my 3rd Karate class at Kim Studio. Grand Master Roberts had us do sit-ups and push-ups; my arms and stomach were on fire by the time they were half way through! I haven’t done any real steady exercise since 2002, and it shows.

After that, we did a lot of stretches, and then practiced kicks and punches with a partner. Although my partner didn’t punch hard, he was firm. And I didn’t know I was supposed to exhale when being punched, so I’m still feeling the first dozen of those hits. πŸ˜›

This will be very good for me, though, and I’ve signed myself up for 6 months. I was even awarded a scholarship, which will alleviate some of the strain it will take on our budget.

Tamika is doing well so far, though yesterday she felt very nauseous and decided to stay home and rest. She’s taking all kinds of vitamins now, which is very good.

My Passat was towed away the other day!
Yup, it’s the same one that I offered for free a while back. However, the longer I had it, the more things I discovered were wrong with it, and just couldn’t in good conscience give it to someone. It would have cost someone $1000 to fix the thing up to get it in running condition, and it would be far better to take that money and just buy a used Toyota that already runs.

Anyhow, it was sitting in front of our house for a while as I procrastinated donating it to Car Talk, when about 2 weeks ago we come home from being away for the weekend, and discovered 3 of the wheels are gone!! After asking around the neighborhood, we finally guessed that it was this one fellow down the block who is a little shady.
We knew a couple things; that is was someone in the neighborhood who could see when we came and went, that it was someone with the tools, and that they were desperate.
This guy (nicknamed Lil’ Danny) is the only person who fit that description, and it’s well known that he both sells and uses drugs (the neighbors have been trying to get rid of him for some time).

Because of all this happening, the neighborhood has been a little on edge, and keeping a closer watch on things.
So, last week, my neighbor Wayne hears a noise (he has the night shift and sleeps during the day), and goes out onto his porch. There is Lil’ Danny, the car all jacked up, and he is tugging on the last wheel trying to get it off!! My neighbor yelled at him, and the guy almost went into shock! Wayne told him he wasn’t going to put up with his crap, (in much more colourful words) and told him he better scram. Lil’ Danny makes up some excuse about how he’s trying to put the wheel back ON the car, and gets out of there. πŸ˜€

So, when I got home, I was ready to break down his door.
Tamika convinced me just to call and get the car towed away, though, so I did. And couple days ago, they put it on a truck and hauled it off. With the last tire. πŸ˜€

I’m glad I’ve got such good neighbors. πŸ™‚


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