Blue, like the midnight sky


So, last night I went to see Kill Bill.
Pagoda was going to practice, but Spam was really sick. He puked like 5 times, so we decided to review our tracks we recorded last week for levels, and invited Jess West, Jessamine, and their roomie whom I keep forgetting their name.
Anyhow, we reviewed them and wrote down comments to send to Echoes Recording to be fixed.
After that me, Jess, Jessamine, Sax and Mike went to this Autumn party happening in one of the apartments and had apple cider. Sarah Rocker, the hostess, was very very nice. I didn’t feel entirely comfortable with the rest of the crowd, either. Saxton got himself in a rather condescending conversation about the Smashing Pumpkins. Jess West and Sarah made me feel at home, though.
After that, we went to see Kill Bill.
It was slightly funny, very gory, and too long.
I found incongruity in watching that movie and going to a Christian College.
And I paid 5$ for it. Dumb.

Nina interviewed me for her class this afternoon. It went well, but seemed… staccatos. I’m not sure why. I don’t think she had thought about questions to ask me before we got there, so I wasn’t quite sure how much she was interested in it. I hope she has enough for her project.

Today, I sang in Gospel Choir. We sang down in Eisenhower Circle. We did well, and got the crowd moving a little bit even.

Nina and I went out to the Harrisburg Hilton tonight, we tried to get into see the Jazz concert, but they didn’t accept my ID. Instead, we sat out in the Lobby, just through the doors of the bar and listened to the music. We didn’t say much, but we talked about a few things. It was nice to just sit… but I’m still getting the feeling that something there that doesn’t quite fit.
Her friends served us her birthday dinner. I seemed to connect with her friends more than I did with her. I don’t know why. I don’t understand. I feel bad. Maybe she doesn’t feel entirely comfortable with me. Maybe I with her. I don’t know. I’m kinda tired of analyzing it.
It was a nice time, I enjoyed it.

And here I am. I need to do ceramics tomorrow. Like mad. I need to create 5 cylinders, and about 6 or 7 matching tumblers.

But, back to my question.

My favorite colour is Blue. But not any blue. Deep blue, like the space between the stars in a midnight winter sky. Deep blue, like the deep sea of the Pacific Ocean. Deep Blue, like the very center of a Sapphire jewel. That’s my favorite colour. 🙂

Next question; from the Faith category. What is the purpose of Romance?

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