Un nuit de paix

Good evening,

I must retire early tonight, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I’m taking a couple friends to Philly via the taxi service. We’re leaving at 5, just after work. It promises to be a fun, but interesting trip. 🙂 The personalities of those accompanying me do not exactly mesh in the politest terms, so it will be a show to watch how things like choosing what music to play work themselves out.

I’m continuing my search for people who are trying to make this place better. Unlike most forums I’ve been in, I figure this place is big enough that there must be some other people who seek the same thing I do.

I met jark today, he seems a rather cynical, yet amiable character. It seems DA has changed him, from reading the posts & art he’s created before.

I also met silentkitty (I wish I knew how to link properly here). She got an award from DA this month, and so I checked her stuff out. I really like her type of cartooning, as obvious from my new favorites addition. I’ve read some of her forum posts too, and she seems nice, but a bit swamped.

I think I’m going to start mentioning the people I’ve met here. It’s not an evaluation, or a comparison, just a simple recollection of what I’m seeing in this new place.

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