Lansdale – North Wales – Philadelphia – Newark – Los Angeles – Santa Monica

We made it to California!

Photo on 12-6-13 at 2.43 AM

I’m sitting in a Cafe in Santa Monica, trying to get Dropbox to sync.
I really should have brought along our hotspot, but I forgot to pack it. I’ve got a couple projects I need to get to clients, so here I sit. I was hoping our United flight would have had Wifi, but no such luck. The place Tamika and I are staying at is supposed to have Wifi, but I wasn’t able to get it hooked up, unfortunately. Continue reading “Lansdale – North Wales – Philadelphia – Newark – Los Angeles – Santa Monica”


Today, I am 30.

I can’t really say I’ve been breathlessly awaiting this moment. The older I get, the more I’m aware of it, and I don’t want to be aware of it. Responsibilities already nearly crush me in the day to day, and the idea that I’m limited and my clock is winding down…

Tamika made a good point, though. Continue reading “30”

Hastings, Snow, and Earaches

On Friday night, because Tamika and I decided to stay for an extra day, we were invited for a dinner party at the Hastings. Ron and Anita Hasting have been friends and supporters of my parents for a long time. When I was little, I would go over to their house, and play with their boys Aaron and Ryan, and hang out and eat sandwiches with Binky and Gram, their grandparents, who lived in the house next door. Continue reading “Hastings, Snow, and Earaches”