Pin Hole Camera

Song currently playing: Total Eclipse of the Heart – Nikki French


me so tired. What did I do today? I got up, had breakfast, and went to class. Today we learned how to design pin-hole cameras. Very cool stuff. Me and my engineer mind dreamed up a couple new way of putting together the things, and by the end of the class, the prof. had revised a couple different ways he did things.

After class, went to work and worked with Jon, setting up Mac printing networks. The guy really opened up to me. Poor fellow, all he needed was a friend.

After that, worked on my van, and figured out what the devil was wrong with it, then rode my moped (wheeeeeeee!) all the way to Wal-Mart to buy some fuses. That was fun, it’s kind of a long trip.

After that, bopped around trying to get it to work, but with no avail. Gave up, and went up to Bittner 3rd & watched the last part of Count of Monte Cristo. That is an awesome movie.

Talked to my Dad again, this time about citizenship. Got to get that out to him by tomorrow.

I discovered the deviant shockwire. I think I may have found a very good friend.

Bittner 3rd

Song currently playing: Hook (The Lost Boy Chase) – John Williams

Oie. Still practicing being “unemotional”. Tough stuff to do for me. It’s hard to act indifferent towards a girl when deep inside you’re really really not. But the relationship is still too young.

Ah well. Practice makes perfect.

I spent the evening up on Bittner 3rd… “practicing” πŸ˜‰ It was really nice, we watched Boiler Room. Cool movie. Very nice ending. We talked about it quite a bit afterwards. One of the girls tried braiding my hair (it didn’t work too well, it’s too silky) and I sorted pictures during commercials. It was really nice. I could have died on their livingroom floor.

The Moped is working beautifully, save the front headlight. I put Premium in it this morning. πŸ˜€ The little monster FLIES. πŸ™‚
Still have to work on the van, but we’ve been just getting rain rain rain. Ah well, soon.

Book Business

Song currently playing: George Winston – Colours/Dance

OK. Not going to be on tonight, I need to clean and finish a couple design projects. So, I’ll make this quick.

Money is getting tight, so I gotta boost the book business up for some extra cash. Insurance for the van & tuition are looming a little to close; and my summer paycheck doesn’t arrive until NEXT week.

Eh, I’ll be fine.


Song currently Playing: SalsaKids – Dejame un beso que me dure

Oie, sleepy. I’m beginning to spend too much time here.
I’m going to have to schedule my time here carefully, because I have too much fun. I get caught up in submitting and seeing other peoples work too much.

You know what? Girls are far too teasing. It is so hard to tell what they’re thinking. It’s great. πŸ˜€

I want to try something. As soon as the right opportunity arises, I’m going to tell her I have a crush on her. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone just outright saying that.

And right now, I’m pretty much to the point where I feel like just saying it. She’s cute, she’s very kind, sweet, exciting, friendly, and kinda mysterious. And cute. Very very cute. Incredibly cute. Makes me want to sit in her presence just to feel the glow of her beauty. And if she weren’t so nice to me, I’d think she was too high above me. I’d like to know more about her, and I’m wondering if this is the way.

Two obstacles: Friendship & History.

She’s a good friend. I don’t want things to get completely out of kilter because I decided to light a fuse.

The past still haunts me. I dreamt of Caroline last night, and it was weird. Dreams are really vivid for me, they all are, and 90% of the Deja Vu.
Anyways, I dreamt I was talking to her about why we broke up. And she kept giving reasons that were designed to just to make me feel better. I could tell it was fake, so I woke myself up. I’ve never done that before. It was very very weird.

So, I don’t think I’m QUITE over that. I’m going to take it slow. We’ll see how things look at the end of the summer.


Ah, the weekend.

Work is piling up again. I’m taking photography here at the college as a summer course. I can use the credits; it’s cheaper than the regular year, and the class is small so our photo professor (who happens to rock) gets to spend more time with just us (only about 6 of us in the class).

This does mean extra work for the next 3 weeks, though, and taking lots of pictures. Professional photography is so expensive! I’m learning a lot, though, and I’ll be able to improve my photography to make some more hi resolution work.

I’m also learning the basics of developing too, which is really fun to play with. I might put up one of those for my next photo work.

As for the rest of life, I feel torn.
I shouldn’t be.
I really shouldn’t.
I need to calm down my own infatuation and just be happy like I usually am. It’s so hard to decide when you’re spending too much time with a person that it might be taken the wrong way. If I really followed what I felt, I would just spend all my time with this particular group of people.
Rough, rough, rough. People are already talking. I try to spread out my time with other people, but it really makes it worse at times.

People keep trying to hook me up. I just DON’T want to think about it so that I can just concentrate on friendships. I would never want anyone who wasn’t my friend first anyways.

And yet know that I’ve spread my time out, it almost seems I’m avoiding those whom I’d much rather hang out with…


Could someone please give me another helping of chaos? I’m not stressed enough yet.

Tomorrow, I’m going to drive into Harrisburg, park, and just spend the day snapping pictures. I need a break.


Back with the pack

Good evening deviants, I’m back.

It’s been a busy week, a couple new design jobs are aligning themselves up for me, so, I may be even more elusive if I deem them worthy of time.

Citizenship papers have come to a standstill, I can’t find a prof. around to sign some stuff for me, since summer is now in full swing & they’re out enjoying the rest of their lives.

And though summer IS in full swing, it’s still rainy & very very English around here right now. I want sun. As much as I love storms, this doesn’t quite cut it. Nothing full-blown. Just miserable drizzles.

Hasn’t kept me down, though. I spent the past week every night up on Bittner 3rd, visiting people & watching lots of movies. Friendships & a lot of other things are rapidly developing, & it’s hard to keep track of them.
Ah, L’amour— Mais, c’est trop dangerous, pour un jeune homme qui est bien gentil! πŸ˜‰

I think I’ve come full circle now, and I can restart the cycle. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been starting a rotation of artwork:

3D (Mercury Sprite)
Photo (Ancient America)
Writing (Star-Crossed)
Handwork (Dawn)
Design (Bria’s Spread)

Now it’s time to restart, and so my next output will be 3-Dimensional.

Hope your day is as good as my night is going to be!

Philly, Baltimore, DC

Sorry I haven’t been around, I traveled to the above listed places this weekend, bringing people to hotels, airports, and homes for the summer. Didn’t make much, but didn’t loose much either.

I’m a little more relaxed now; gotten some sleep enough to get me back on schedule.

Watched Matrix Reloaded last night too, that was awesome. I’ve got a bunch of theories on what’s happened. I love the way those movies make you think. Really tests my observation skills.

I’m looking about for a PHP writer, I’d like someone to write me a forum. I’ve got a couple friends on campus who might be able to help me, but we’ll see. I’d like to integrate Flash into it too. I’m taking a Dreamweaver class tomorrow, that should help me with the basics and get me over that initial jump I always have to make.

Graphics work will be posted tonight. πŸ™‚

Un nuit de paix

Good evening,

I must retire early tonight, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I’m taking a couple friends to Philly via the taxi service. We’re leaving at 5, just after work. It promises to be a fun, but interesting trip. πŸ™‚ The personalities of those accompanying me do not exactly mesh in the politest terms, so it will be a show to watch how things like choosing what music to play work themselves out.

I’m continuing my search for people who are trying to make this place better. Unlike most forums I’ve been in, I figure this place is big enough that there must be some other people who seek the same thing I do.

I met jark today, he seems a rather cynical, yet amiable character. It seems DA has changed him, from reading the posts & art he’s created before.

I also met silentkitty (I wish I knew how to link properly here). She got an award from DA this month, and so I checked her stuff out. I really like her type of cartooning, as obvious from my new favorites addition. I’ve read some of her forum posts too, and she seems nice, but a bit swamped.

I think I’m going to start mentioning the people I’ve met here. It’s not an evaluation, or a comparison, just a simple recollection of what I’m seeing in this new place.

Vive la Difference!

Absolutely glorious day. Picturesque glory, from horizon to horizon. I spent the entire afternoon in a field, watching the clouds. Wonderful.

This evening, it got better (though I thought it was going to be tediuos when I started). If you remember from yesterday, I had been driving all over the place with taxi service, and I really didn’t feel like it.
Well, one of my girl friends requested a taxi service to Wal-Mart for “only an hour”. I agreed, since she was willing to give me 2$ for gas.

Since I agreed on the basis that it was going to be a taxi service, and came prepared with some work (sketching) I could do while they shopped. However, while I was waiting for people to show up, this wonderful (and VERY attractive) girl (whom I will decline to name [get used to it πŸ˜‰ ] ) shows up and sits in the passenger seat and chats with me. She really wanted to go, and the smile in her eyes was more than I could bear. I said sure.

When everything was done, SEVEN international girls piled into my van (one whom I had just met) and we took off. I popped in a CD I had prepared for just such an occasion, and we sang the entire way to the plaza.

When we got there, we all went to DOTS (which, if you don’t know, is a clothing store entirely of women’s clothes) and the absolutely gorgeous ladies began trying on different outfits, and had me stand by the dressing room asking my opinion.

Some of you guys may think this is torture, but I was in heaven. I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but at that moment, to them I was the most caring and noble guy in all creation. Not many guys do that kind of thing; waiting patiently while girls shop, but I tell you right now. They love men who do. I even got a comment and a smile from the cute cashier who thought I was “quite a gentleman”.

I may not be much to look at, but I really do try to be a “Knight of the Old Code”. Not many do that anymore.

And during the course of the evening, I got to amble around various shops talking with the different girls about things, and just finding out what was going on in their lives.

It was fun.

Ah, me. Enough for tonight.

Bonne nuit!

Je Suis Fatigue

Wow, another busy day. Spent the whole day running the taxi service. Made quite a bit, so not so bad, but kinda tired of driving at the moment.

Looks as if things have slowed here. I guess that
s what happens on weekdays. Ah well.

I’m hoping I can get a Rhino 3D book from the library. I really want to learn that.

Want to start learning a 5th language more fluently too, so I’m going to do some more research on Chinese (Cantonese) tapes in the library.

Looked into various hosting places and found a particularly good one called lunarpages. I think I’ll make it a project to build a pro site this summer. Get my rear working with Dreamworks a little more seriously, anyways. πŸ™‚

Hmmm…. Photo, Bryce…. I think I’ll try poetry tonight. πŸ™‚