Client Highlight: Humphrey Management’s Cascades Village and Woodside Village | Zerflin
Negative Space in Logo Design | Inspiration
Which has better privacy features, Google+ or Facebook? – Quora
Introducing Timeline
Thought Facebook was done redesigning? WRONG.
Business Cards: Young Entrepreneur Council (Y.E.C.) | Zerflin
Business Cards: Young Entrepreneur Council (Y.E.C.) | Zerflin:
New blog post about a recent business card design and printing job for Ryan Paugh and Scott Gerber of Young Entrepreneur Council!
Scumbag Vader
The Alphabet 2 on Vimeo
The Alphabet 2 on Vimeo
Debate crowd celebrates Rick Perry’s executions — RT
Debate crowd celebrates Rick Perry’s executions — RT:
How does an innocent man get killed by the government? Here’s how: