So, now Nya says everything we say. Everything.
Last week, I read a book with a kitchen scene to her, and pointed out each object.
(me pointing to the book) “Apple. This is an apple. Apple. You say; apple.” (and then I point to her lips)
“Good! Book. This is a book. You say; book.”
“Good. Girl. This is a girl. You say.”
“Good. Frying pan. This is a frying pan. You say.”
And so on.
SINCE then, she just says everything we say, without prompting.
So needless to say, we’ve been editing out words like “jerk”, “douche-bag”, “punk” and “moron”.
Now, dinner conversations go like this:
Tamika: So, did that big project get done?
Benjamin: No. They decided to be Elmos and ask for revisions.
Nya: Ewmo!
Tamika: That stinks.
Benjamin: Yeah, they were a bunch of Big Birds. The completely Dora-ed the whole process, and sent it back for 6 Snufalumpagus revisions. I’m so sick of this Telly Monster project.
Nya: Dooo-wah! (Dora)
Tamika: I’m tired of them treating you like Ernie. How much more do you have to do with them?
Nya: Eehnie!
Benjamin: Not too much, this is the last project. It’s not the AE’s fault, the client is on it’s way out and it’s being a Backpack.
Nya: Bah-pat, BAH-PAT!