Mood: Disbelief .: Savage Inside :.
Listening to: .: Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong – Tenderly :.
Reading: .: Everything but the Burden :.
Watching: .: Hidalgo :.
Quickly, a shameless couple plugs:
~robotorion is my photo album of where I’ve been.
~OnePagoda is my band’s photo album.
~naskapi-linguist is my father. His drawings and photos rock.
~ElizabethJancewicz is my sister. She rocks period, and her art is good too.
Hidalgo is my new favorite movie. Hands down. I love that movie.
It’s about a half-Native American coming to grips with who he is in a horse race across the Arabian Desert. It’s incredible. And the best thing, it’s not Hollywoodized. I mean, no sex, no profanity… It is ONE GOOD MOVIE.
I went out for a walk in the snow last night after I posted; it was beautiful. I walked around for a while, I felt energized. I talked to Tamika online when I got home, she thought I was corny. *shrugs* story of my life; the hopeless romantic. It was incredible, though. It was falling so softly, coating everything. It was peaceful, just talking to God and unwinding. I think I need to do that again tonight.
I met with Terry Earhart this morning and finalized the SIFE Annual Report. I’ll be sending him the invoice soon. After that, I went down to the Messiah Design office to have it proofed. It turns out they wanted it in a different format than I had it, and wanted bleeds off the edges, so I sat there with their computer for about an hour and a half converting it. When I got out, I found the post office was closed. I was going to send out the Pagoda CD by snail mail, because I had encountered trouble sending it to the printer by e-mail.
The moped is running properly, so I sped home. I found Tamika walking around with her cellphone. She was on a break from working on her senior project, and talking to her mom. She walked with me back to Rafiki. I checked my messages, and Dad left a note that he would be arriving at about 4. Tamika and I dozed and chatted in the living room for a while; it had pretended to be summer again and it was warm. Tamika had got up to go, and my parents pulled up. I’m not sure what came first, but somehow she slipped past without meeting them.
In any case, I showed my Mom around Rafiki (she’d never been there) and then we went out to dinner. I took them to a little Vietnamese restaurant that Mr. Ho had taken me to a couple weeks earlier. I ordered Pho of course (the same thing I had cooked for Tamika’s birthday) and my parents ordered too. I ate with chopsticks of course, and my dad also picked up a pair and began eating.
Half way through our meal he commented that he had never used them before. I almost choked. He had picked them up like a natural, and was picking up single grains of rice with them. That had taken me a week. Needless to say I was greatly impressed. Not to be outdone, my mom gave a valiant effort at using them too, but resorted to her fork. She’ll be able to use them too if she practices.
We went to see Hidalgo after that at the AMC Hampden 8 theatre.
Like I said, it was incredible. It showed the battle of Wounded Knee River, and Wild Bill Cody’s circus as it really was. My blood boiled. I really loved that movie.
After we got out, my dad made the comment that he didn’t especially like how the Whites were portrayed in the movie; the supposedly Christian white woman was the badguy. But then I pointed out that (as much as possible) it was historically accurate, he agreed.
They drove me home, and tomorrow I’ll meet up with them to spend some more time.
I found Inya online.
The conversation was weird. At first it was light and humorous, we joked back and forth, but then became more serious, and maybe perhaps tense. I don’t know. And I’m not sure if it was more me or her. I feel like I’m having more pride in my heritage and my culture, and I don’t think that’s something that she’s used to. It’s weird. I don’t think she considered me to a person of “culture”, but I’m not sure. she seemed a little taken aback that I would be offended at anything she said.
I felt very strange, and decided to bid her goodnight. She found that strange and abrupt.
I’m more complicated than I thought, and yet still simple of character. This is puzzling, but I like it.
I need to talk to God some more.