No More Work
I feel as though I am idling.
I’ve run out of work to do.
Well, sort of. I just found out that the hours I’ve been working extra are in vain… April seems to be a popular month to take off, and since so many people are taking days off, I can’t.
So, all of the hours I’ve saved up will slowly fly out the window.
I’ve been working too much, it turns out. Clocking over 50 hours a week on occasion. We only have one car, and since Tamika’s games run late, I have to wait until she gets here.
So I do work.
And clock ridiculous amounts of time.
Dinorah, my boss, suggest just “clocking out”, and doing whatever I please once I reach a certain number of hours. Bring in Zerflin work, for example, and just work on that.
It’s tough, though, because since I’m sitting here, all of the account executives automatically think I’m free and give me the rush/late/procrastinated jobs.
So I do them.
And clock lots of hours.
It also appears to the account executives that I have super-humanly fast design skills too, because their works is being done early (since I stay late and get it done). Consequently; I get more work.
I’m not complaining, by the way, just narrating.
I’m glad you’re “at the end of your work.” I sure hope that your co-workers don’t get *too* used to all the hours you’re clocking.
You’re awesome. You and Tamika work so hard; we admire you guys for all your dedication.