
Song currently Playing: SalsaKids – Dejame un beso que me dure

Oie, sleepy. I’m beginning to spend too much time here.
I’m going to have to schedule my time here carefully, because I have too much fun. I get caught up in submitting and seeing other peoples work too much.

You know what? Girls are far too teasing. It is so hard to tell what they’re thinking. It’s great. 😀

I want to try something. As soon as the right opportunity arises, I’m going to tell her I have a crush on her. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone just outright saying that.

And right now, I’m pretty much to the point where I feel like just saying it. She’s cute, she’s very kind, sweet, exciting, friendly, and kinda mysterious. And cute. Very very cute. Incredibly cute. Makes me want to sit in her presence just to feel the glow of her beauty. And if she weren’t so nice to me, I’d think she was too high above me. I’d like to know more about her, and I’m wondering if this is the way.

Two obstacles: Friendship & History.

She’s a good friend. I don’t want things to get completely out of kilter because I decided to light a fuse.

The past still haunts me. I dreamt of Caroline last night, and it was weird. Dreams are really vivid for me, they all are, and 90% of the Deja Vu.
Anyways, I dreamt I was talking to her about why we broke up. And she kept giving reasons that were designed to just to make me feel better. I could tell it was fake, so I woke myself up. I’ve never done that before. It was very very weird.

So, I don’t think I’m QUITE over that. I’m going to take it slow. We’ll see how things look at the end of the summer.

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