From a City to a Campsite

The past few days have been a whirlwind, and because of a rockslide on the railway between Sept-Iles and Schefferville, the connection has been spotty.

So, let’s catch up!

Thursday, August 22:

I stopped at my friend Jeff’s house in upstate New York. Jeff’s place is a gorgeous cabin-style home nestled on the side of a mountain, right next to a babbling stream. The inside of his home is just as beautiful, with deep, dark wood and stained glass everywhere. It’s always a treat to stay there, and it’s the perfect halfway point between Baltimore and Montreal.

The image shows a cozy, sunlit corner of a living room. Sunlight streams through three large windows, casting warm light onto the hardwood floor and illuminating the room. A comfortable wooden armchair with a red cushion and a floral-patterned pillow is positioned near the windows, with a matching footstool in front of it. Next to the chair is a wooden side table holding a tall, leafy houseplant and a Tiffany-style lamp with a stained-glass shade. Books are stacked on the table and neatly arranged on the lower shelf. The room has a warm, inviting atmosphere, with natural light enhancing the earthy tones of the wooden furniture and the decorative area rug with a floral pattern that partially covers the floor. The overall scene evokes a sense of calm and comfort, ideal for reading or relaxing.

My journey began with a smooth drive through the Adirondacks to Montreal. The weather was perfect—cool breezes and clear skies made the lush, green mountains more breathtaking. Every time I pass through the Adirondacks, I feel I could stay there forever.

As much as I enjoyed the scenic drive, it wasn’t without a bit of drama. While cruising through the Adirondacks, I noticed a state trooper ahead who had pulled someone over. I knew I had to move over to give him space, but a Jeep tailgating me in the left lane refused to let me over. I finally squeezed into the middle of the road to get around the trooper, but about a half mile later, I got pulled over myself. I tried to explain to the officer that I’d attempted to move over, and after reviewing my dashcam footage together, he let me go with a warning. I’m glad he let me go, but most especially since I’ve worked on public service announcements about the Move Over law for the Baltimore City Department of Transportation.

The image is a selfie taken inside a car, showing the driver's side. The person in the photo, partially visible on the right side, has a full beard, wears round glasses, and is dressed in a black shirt with a bold, leafy yellow pattern. They are wearing a seatbelt, and their expression appears to be serious or neutral. In the background, through the rear window of the car, a state trooper's vehicle with flashing red lights is visible, indicating that the car has been pulled over. The surrounding area outside the car suggests a rural location, likely in the Adirondacks, with trees and a cloudy sky in the distance. The interior of the car shows part of the roof, a rearview mirror, and the edge of a sunroof.

When I reached Montreal, it was around 5:30 PM, just in time to pick up Marilyne from work. Navigating Montreal’s rush hour traffic is never fun, but with Marilyne beside me, we managed.

The image captures a vibrant sunset as seen from the Holiday Inn in Montreal. The sun is low on the horizon, glowing a deep red-orange as it sets behind a line of trees. The sky is a mix of warm oranges and reds with patches of soft gray clouds. Power lines stretch horizontally across the upper part of the image, adding an urban element to the scene. Below, a road and some greenery are visible, partially lit by the remaining daylight. The overall scene blends the beauty of nature with the everyday elements of the city.

We checked into our hotel near the airport, where I parked Pishu, and then we went down to the hotel restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately, the meal was a bit of a letdown. We waited over an hour for our plates, and when they finally arrived, the food was dry and overcooked. The staff wasn’t very attentive, even though the restaurant wasn’t busy.

 The image shows a woman, identified as Marilyne, smiling warmly while seated at a table during a dinner date. She is wearing glasses and a colorful, patterned dress with shades of blue, red, yellow, and white. Marilyne is holding a smartphone in her hands, resting them on the table. Behind her is a decorative black screen with intricate cut-out designs, which contrasts with the warm wood paneling of the restaurant’s interior. The atmosphere appears cozy and intimate, highlighting the special moment between her and the person she’s with on this dinner date.

Still, we made the best of it, playing games and enjoying each other’s company. Afterward, we headed back upstairs and watched a bit of the DNC and The 3 Body Problem before heading to sleep.

The image is a close-up selfie of a couple, Marilyne and Benjamin Jancewicz, lying together and smiling at the camera. Marilyne is on the left, with her head resting on her hand, wearing glasses and a colorful, patterned outfit in shades of blue, red, yellow, and white. Benjamin is on the right, also wearing glasses, with a full beard and a content expression. The photo captures a moment of closeness and warmth between the two, reflecting their connection and affection for each other.

Friday, August 23:

This morning was a little hectic. Because I didn’t have my full-size suitcase, I had to get creative with my luggage. I was afraid of getting in trouble like I had last time because of all the batteries, drones, and cameras I traveled with. Marilyne reminded me to relax, we kissed goodbye, and I made it on my shuttle on time.

The image shows an exterior view of Montreal's airport terminal at dawn or dusk, with the sky overcast and the horizon glowing faintly with a hint of sunrise or sunset. The terminal building on the left features large glass windows reflecting the scene, with a curved glass canopy above the sidewalk. A prominent red and white sign on the building reads "Bienvenue / Welcome" in both French and English. Several vehicles are parked or moving along the curved road leading to the terminal entrance, and construction cranes are visible in the background, indicating ongoing development. The scene is calm, with a few people visible near the entrance, emphasizing the typical airport atmosphere.

The airport was pretty empty. When checking my luggage, I told the handler that one of the bags was full of equipment. She was no problem and sent me to the oversized section. They scanned it, gave it a special tag, and sent me on my way—easier than I thought!

The image shows a set of backpacks and luggage bins being processed through an airport's baggage handling system. Two large backpacks are placed inside gray plastic bins on a conveyor belt, ready for checking. One bag is black, and the other is gray with visible straps and padding. A partially visible airport worker, identifiable by a neon yellow safety vest with reflective orange stripes, stands to the left. The setting is industrial, with metal surfaces and yellow and black safety tape lining the edge of the conveyor belt, creating a typical airport baggage handling scene.

I wound through the airport and made it to the northern traveler wing. It always gives me a strange feeling. The wind is very out-of-the-way, poorly maintained and cleaned, and always gives me segregation vibes. The majority of passengers in this part of the airport are indigenous.

 The image shows a long, empty airport corridor leading to gates 17-34, with two parallel moving walkways running down the center of the hall. The walls are white with a tiled texture, and the floor is speckled in shades of brown. Overhead, a sign displays gate numbers and symbols indicating accessible routes, no smoking, and no mobile phones. The walkways are lit by ceiling lights, creating a bright but slightly sterile atmosphere. The corridor appears to stretch far into the distance, with no visible people or activity, emphasizing the emptiness and quiet of the space.

I stopped at La Brasseur for a quick breakfast. Adnan, the head of the Naskapi telecom company Sichuun, was at the gate, heading up to do some work. They have outfitted the entire Elder’s Gathering site with WiFi for all the visitors coming. This is great for me because I’m hoping to upload lots of photos and videos the entire time.

After many hours and ups and downs from Montreal to Quebec City to Sept-Iles, I finally landed in Schefferville.

As soon as I got my baggage, Stella and Naomi took me out to the Elder’s gathering site! I took lots of photos, make sure you follow the page to see them all.

When I arrived, the camp was already buzzing with activity. I spent the day capturing photos, including drone shots of the entire site, which I plan to use to create a map later. It’s incredible to see how much the camp has grown, with more tents popping up as people arrive.

As the day turned to night, a stunning blood-red moon rose above the camp. It was a beautiful and surreal way to end the day.

A breathtaking scene of a dark, serene forest under the night sky. The focal point of the image is a large, blood-red moon glowing intensely against the pitch-black sky. The moon's striking color contrasts with the dark outlines of the tall pine trees in the background, creating a dramatic and eerie atmosphere. In the foreground, the dense underbrush, fallen logs, and scattered branches are illuminated just enough to show their texture, adding depth and mystery to the scene. The overall mood is one of quiet, almost otherworldly stillness, as nature seems to be in deep slumber under the haunting red moonlight.

I’m spent the night in a cozy little tent that the organizers let me use, bundled up under two blankets. The night air is brisk, but the blankets are warm, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

A small tent set up in a rustic, outdoor setting at night. The tent is constructed with a frame of wooden poles, tied together with rope, and covered with white canvas. The tent flap is open, revealing a simple interior with a wooden platform bed, covered in a black and white checkered blanket. The tent is illuminated by an outside light, casting a warm glow on the dirt ground and the structure itself. The dark blue night sky in the background contrasts with the bright tent, while other similar tents and a flagpole are faintly visible in the distance, adding to the feeling of being at a remote camp. The shadows of the poles and the tent's structure create patterns on the ground, contributing to the atmosphere of a quiet, solitary night in the wilderness.

Saturday, August 24:

I woke up this morning after a solid night’s sleep, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. The cool night air helped me sleep well, and despite my tent lacking a stove, I stayed warm under the blankets.

A view from inside a tent, looking up at the canvas roof. The fabric of the tent is illuminated by soft, natural light from outside, casting a warm glow across the interior. The canvas has a few faint stains and marks, giving it a well-used, rustic appearance. Visible at the bottom of the frame is part of a person wrapped in a black and white checkered blanket, lying down on a bed or sleeping surface. The simplicity of the scene conveys a peaceful, early morning or quiet moment inside the tent, with the gentle light filtering through the canvas walls. The tent's structure is supported by ropes and poles, which can be seen faintly through the fabric.

The camp was already alive with activity when I woke up, but I took a moment to walk down to the lake to pray, meditate, and prepare mentally for the day.

A tranquil scene of a clear, shallow lake with its bottom visible through the water. The water is calm, with gentle ripples, reflecting the deep blue sky above. The foreground shows sandy textures and a few scattered branches submerged just beneath the water's surface. Along the shore, lush green shrubs and plants extend into the frame. In the background, a dense forest of tall evergreen trees lines the opposite shore, standing against the horizon under a wide, cloudless sky. A small, faint moon can be seen in the vast expanse of blue sky, adding a serene, peaceful atmosphere to the scene.

Breakfast was simple but perfect—fresh blueberries from the bushes around the campsite. There’s nothing quite like the taste of wild blueberries in the morning.

A close-up image of a hand gently holding a small collection of freshly picked wild blueberries. The blueberries are a deep blue with some showing a slight frost-like coating, typical of wild berries. The background shows a rocky terrain, with light-colored stones and sparse vegetation, indicating that these berries were likely foraged in a natural, rugged setting. The hand appears slightly cupped, cradling the berries, with sunlight casting shadows and highlighting the texture of the skin and the natural beauty of the berries.

Throughout the day, I followed the workers around the site, documenting their progress with my camera so that we could share updates on the Elders Gathering Facebook page.

A man carrying a large, flat sheet of plywood on his shoulder while walking on a dirt path. The man appears to be wearing a dark T-shirt and pants, with glasses on his face. He is gripping the edge of the plywood with both hands to stabilize it as he walks. The background shows a construction area with makeshift structures made of wood and canvas, indicating a setting where temporary shelters are being built. The sky is clear and blue, and the sunlight casts strong shadows on the ground, highlighting the effort and manual labor involved in the task.

As I walked, I was accompanied by a sweet Rez dog named Myles, who decided to stick by my side. It was comforting to have him with me.

A close-up image of a dog being gently petted on the head by a hand. The dog has a dark, brindle-colored coat with patches of lighter fur. The dog’s eyes are closed, appearing content and relaxed under the person’s touch. The person’s hand, visible in the frame, is positioned gently on top of the dog’s head, suggesting a moment of affection and bonding. The background shows a dirt surface, possibly an outdoor setting, with the edge of the person's pants visible in the lower left corner of the frame.

My parents also visited the site today to manage a donation booth for the many tribes gathering here. The sense of community and generosity is wonderful, and it’s heartwarming to see everyone coming together.

A man stands under a white canopy tent on a sunny day, holding a large black sign with the word "DONATION" painted in white letters. He has a long beard, is wearing a black cap, and smiles as he poses for the photo. Several boxes are placed on the ground next to him, possibly containing donated items. The background shows a fenced area with some equipment visible in the distance.

The camp continues to grow as more people arrive. I flew my drone again this morning to update the map I’m creating in Illustrator, but by evening, there were already at least 20 more tents set up. And with three charter planes arriving tomorrow, the camp is set to grow even more.

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