A Symposium, Clouds, Frank, Fish, and Prepping

Today was a mix of familiar routines and new beginnings. It started with the annual Crossing Guards Symposium—my second year covering the event. Alan Robinson, as always, set the tone with his energy, preparing the crowd for the day.

The image captures a large indoor assembly at the annual Crossing Guards Symposium, viewed from behind the speaker, Alan Robinson, as he sets the tone for the day with his energetic presence. The event takes place in a grand hall, featuring tall, ornate columns along the walls, adorned with circular emblems and flags between them. The ceiling is decorated with elaborate chandeliers that cast a warm glow over the room. The audience, mostly crossing guards wearing bright yellow vests and caps, is seated in rows of chairs, facing the speaker. Some attendees are taking notes or holding materials, fully engaged in the proceedings. At the far end of the hall, large murals or panels add a historical and artistic backdrop to the formal setting. The Department of Transportation (DOT) logo is visible in the bottom right corner, indicating the event's focus on transportation and safety.

The room was bigger this time, letting me play around with some wide-angle shots I didn’t capture last year.

This image shows Tavon Braxton speaking at the podium during the annual Crossing Guards Symposium. He is dressed in a dark vest and light blue shirt, addressing an audience of crossing guards, many of whom are wearing bright yellow vests and caps. The setting is a grand hall with tall columns, circular emblems on the walls, and various flags displayed behind the audience. The audience appears attentive, and the overall atmosphere is formal and focused, reflecting the importance of the event.

After the symposium, it was back to the office. I don’t love spending long hours there, but the view from my window has its perks. Watching storm clouds roll over Baltimore provided a moment of peace, a reminder that there’s beauty to be found, even on the busiest days.

The image captures a cityscape view of Baltimore from an elevated vantage point, likely through a window. The foreground features lush green trees, while the middle ground includes a mix of historic and modern buildings. A tall, red brick tower with a green roof stands prominently on the left side of the image, contrasted against a backdrop of towering cumulus clouds. The sky is a vibrant blue, filled with a mix of fluffy white clouds that appear to be rolling in, possibly signaling an approaching storm. The scene exudes a sense of calm and beauty, with the natural elements juxtaposed against the urban environment.

One of the day’s highlights was when Frank Murphy, who recently retired after 50 years of service, stopped by the office. We spent a long time talking about visiting national parks and cool places—he’s a walking encyclopedia for the Department of Transportation. It was a meaningful conversation, especially since I won’t be able to attend his send-off party later this week.

The image shows an older man with gray hair, sitting in a small office or study room. He is wearing a yellow checkered short-sleeved shirt and light gray pants. The man is seated on a cushioned chair, leaning slightly forward with his hands clasped, as if in deep thought or conversation. Behind him on the wall is a framed map, and to the right, a shelf holds a few large books, including a dictionary. A colorful map or chart with various sections is also visible on the wall near the bookshelf. The room has a casual, functional feel, with additional items like a fan and cleaning supplies visible on the shelf. The door to the room is partially open, revealing a whiteboard with some sketches and notes on it.

We exchanged numbers to stay in touch. I was grateful to have had that time with him today.

By the time I wrapped up, I was exhausted. Knowing I wouldn’t have the energy to cook, I stopped by the Full Moon Pub & Grill for some fish and chips. It wasn’t just about the food—it was a chance to unwind and let the day settle.

The image shows a plate of fish and chips served on a sheet of paper designed to resemble an old-fashioned newspaper. The meal includes golden-brown fried fish, crispy fries, a small side of coleslaw in a black plastic container, and a small cup of tartar sauce. The paper beneath the food has visible text, with the headline "WORLD DAILY NEWS" prominently displayed. The table is wooden, and in the background, there is a black cloth napkin rolled up and placed on the table next to a plastic cup filled with ice water and a straw. The overall presentation has a casual, pub-style feel.

But today isn’t just about work. I’m gearing up for a trip north, with a stop in Montreal to see Marilyne. I love spending time with her.

After Montreal, I’ll head to Kawawachikamach for the Elders’ Gathering. It’s the first time in 20 years that my hometown is hosting this event, and I’m honored to be documenting it. Capturing candid moments between the elders—many of whom I see as grandparents—is something I’m particularly looking forward to. These are stories that need to be preserved.

The journey continues.

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