So, if you subscribe to this website by email; you’re not getting this.
Why? Because I’m too popular. Ah, my public, how they love me…
It used to be that you could enter in your email on the left side of this page, and every time I published an entry, people would get a nice little email in their inbox with the post. Convenient, no?
Sometime in January, this journal hit the 100th subscriber. But rather than have a celebration and happy happy fun times, the thing stopped working. No warning, no alert, just gone. And all this when I was just getting consistent with my posts; getting into the habit of posting every day.
I racked my brain. I spent hours on the phone with GoDaddy.com (my hosting plan). I spent hours scouring WordPress forums. I got on the nerves of some WordPress admin. Finally the nice fellow who designed the plugin that I used (called Subscribe2) said I should check out what GoDaddy’s limits on emails were.
Lo and behold, I can only send out an email to 100 people at a time.
So, I’ve ditched Subscribe2, and moved to Feedburner. It’s a great service that essentially does the same thing, except it’s not on my server. But the sad thing is, I can’t tranfer all my existing subcribers to Feedburner.
Looks like I’m going to be sending out a lot of emails…