Minnie Uniam

Minnie and Ben

Minnie & Ben

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Tamika & Minnie

Minnie Uniams House

Minnie’s House

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Nya and Minnie

I recently discovered Minnie Uniam passed away. She was a lady I called Noohoom, “grandmother”. I was shocked when I found out. We went to visit her just this summer. The first time we visited, she got to sit with Nya. Minnie joked that Nya was a Naskapi baby, because her skin colour is so similar.

We were out walking the next day, and Minnie sent out word for us to stop by. We did, and she surprised us with tiny moccasins for Nya (you can see them in Tamika’s hands)! Minnie stayed up all night making them for us, because she knew we were leaving the next day.

She and her late husband were some of the dearest friends of ours when we lived on the reservation. I will never forget her…