Nya turns 5

Nya’s birthday party was today, and of course she had some very interesting and rather grown-up things to say.

After her party had died down, she was collecting her presents together and opened a present from her Babchi. She paid a lot of attention to all of the little things her great-grandmother had gotten her and then asked me if we could thank her.
Surprised and pleased, I asked her if she would like to write her great-grandmother a thank you note. “No,” she replied, “we could just call her. Like right now. Do you have your phone number in your phone?”

I dialed the number and handed her the phone.

Later, after we had set our prayers, Nya was going upstairs to go to bed when she asked, “Could we leave the bathroom light on?”
“No,” I replied, “we should really start turning it off because the light attracts bugs.”

She thought about this for a moment. “I have an idea. What if we left it on, but if either Arion or I come into your room in the morning and wake you up,” (which they both have a very bad habit of doing) “then we’ll turn the light off.”

I couldn’t argue with that logic. 🙂