New Work!

As promised, here is new work!

These were designed for Jenkins Row for their grand opening. I’m especially proud of the thin lines that follow the circles in the floor. I drew those into the background.

This was a redesign of a logo that ultimately got rejected. They are a real estate company in Dallas, TX that wanted a Prairie/Urban/Zen look. I put this together for them, but unfortunately they had already had a sign put together with their old logo.

Photographer: Butch Fleischer
This is a series of 7 photographs that I stitched together to make one panoramic view. Butch went down to Ocean City, MD to shoot this. It’s taken from a condo called Gateway Grand that is currently being built.
I added the clouds too, it was a clear day when he took this.

These were designed as a background of a postcard, for a Christmas Event by Jenkins Row. The last two are for sale; they were rejected by the client (the very last one is my favourite).

This was designed as a an advertisement for their new building. I worked hard to get the logo to fade so as to look like it was underwater. The design was ultimately rejected because they wanted to put a lot more text on it.

Let me know what you think! Which one is your favourite?