Hi Miss!
Miss, what did you guys do while I was in the hospital? I hope they liked West Side Story. Did you act out anything?
Looks like I might be writing a lot of stories this year (I hope). Mr. Leach in MRE suggested I do a story in my MRE journal. I’m going to do a story titled the “Imagineers”.
I can’t write that small. The story is going to be about aliens coming down who are trans-morphable and telepathic. Whoever saw them would see what they thought aliens would look like to them.
Gabrielle Stanton’s Response:
Ben – a question (oops, it was more than one)… What makes you so interested in “outer space” and aliens? I’ve never known someone so keen on the topic– (at least I don’t think I have!).
Do you write your stories for fun or do you want people to learn something from them? What kind of audience do you hope to attract? Is there any other genre (non-science fiction) that you write in?
–While you were away, we worked on the exam. I’m not too sure how kids liked “West Side Story”. I think most find the singing a bit much. They seemed to enjoy the general story line. It was good for the girls who went to Quebec City for Drama Fest because they knew the basic story line and recognized some of the music. I’m glad I got to see it.
Ciao for now– G.S.
I guess I like science fiction…
Cheez-Whiz you ask good questions! I guess I like reading about situations completely out of the ordinary. Ordinary lifestyles bore me to bits.
Most of the time I write stories just for fun, but I’ve just started to write stories that make people think. “Leonardo Kirkmeister” = for instance, forces one to think about the possibility of Leonardo Da Vinci being extra-terrestrial.
My range of audience I guess is pretty general. I would like to hear reader’s responce to the story: what they thought of it, what they would change, etc.
Hmm! I just had an idea. I wonder, would it be possible to put a different author’s name and give the class a copy of “Leonardo Kirkmeister” and have them do a response. It might be interesting.
Although Sci-Fi is my favourite “genre”, I can write in other genres, but nothing ordinary. I tried once, but got so bored, the story got abandoned and thrown away. I just couldn’t help putting something totally weird right smack-dab in the middle of it.
I think the music (in West Side Story) is a bit much too. Maybe they could update it to modern city streets.