#24PropheticWords • The False Prophets are Here • @TheSlateProject

“False Christs and false prophets will come and perform great wonders and miracles. They will try to fool even the people God has chosen, if that is possible.” –Matthew 24:24

When I began reading the Bible on my own, it was from tattered gold-covered copies of the Good News Bible that sat on shelves in the back of our tiny church. Someone had donated them long before my family had arrived in the village we lived in, and they’d seen years of uninterrupted use. 

Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!

#AdventUs “Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!'” Mark 1:3 (paraphrased)

I didn’t get this verse at all at first. Mostly because I kept hearing “Behold he comes, riding on the clouds” over and over in my head. It’s one of those earworms of a song that’s just chock full of Christianese that not many people really truly understand.  Continue reading “Someone was pleading in the wasteland, ‘Clear a path so that the King can reach us!”

Bill Jancewicz has a Website


I’m very proud to announce that my father, Bill Jancewicz, had a website. Or, a journal, if you prefer. Or a blog, if you’re a nerd.

In any case, I designed it for him for Christmas, and now that’s he’s been using it regularly, I thought I’d announce it. He uses it to post updates on the Wycliffe translation & missionary work, as well as what’s going on with the family.

So visit http://www.bill.jancewicz.com and check it out!