Spiffy new website headers for Cognosante! #cognosante #webdesign #zerflin
Exploring design elements and colours for Cognosante. #zerflin #design #cognosante
Very good meeting with Security Development about their new property in Frederick. Good teamwork by Marketing Path and Humphrey Management. #zerflin #meeting #livetheparkway
Picking up a late dinner from our favourite Chinese restaurant. It’s not terribly classy, but it’s inexpensive and tastes great. Tamika and I had a pretty good day. I played piano as she sang in church during communion. It was a little nerve-wracking and my fingers slipped a few times, but overall I think we played good. Tamika (@blusoul30) got a shot of me practicing before the service. Afterwards we went out to pickup Arion’s presents and supplies to make him cupcakes. Talisha and her kids came over and they all had a good time, making paper-plate masks and decorating the carrot-cake cupcakes Tamika made from scratch. Tamika and I are SO tired though. I have a big client meeting tomorrow, but I’ve vowed not work on Sundays, so I’m not going to worry about it too much (and I’m already very prepared). I need to have at least one day of rest. We’ve been wanted to do an annual letter to our friends with an update on our family like my parents do, so maybe I’ll work on that tonight. If you’d like a copy leave you mailing address. #chinesefood #restaurant #dinner
Arion making a Spider Man mask during his birthday party! #cute #kids #birthday
Nya picked out some Spider Man plates and stickers for Arion’s party. What a good sister! #birthday #cute #kids
Arion turned 3 yesterday! I got him a Spider Man action figure and some comic books. Since we’ve gotten Netflix, he loves to watch Spider Man and Pingu. After lunch we’re going to go home and make him carrot-cake cupcakes (he loooooves carrots). #birthday #kids #cute
My sermon notes. The sermon was on John 6, and about what to say to someone who says things like “I’ll believe in God if He performs a miracle in front of me! #sermon #lansdownealliance #drawing @wfenyes
Hanging out with good friends for a holiday afterglow party. :) #friends #food #holiday