Planning out a schedule. This isn’t easy. But necessary. #schedule #youngsavage #planning
New app I found called CardMunch. Take a picture of a business card, and it enters it into your iPhone contacts! #cardmunch #zerflin #linkedin #iphone
Arion: “A B C T… Mommy, where’s the T?” Tamika: “T? The T is over here on the other side of the table. But I think you want a D.” Arion: “Oh, ok. Here’s the D. It’s in between the C and the E. So you can sing A B C D E!” #kids #smart #3yearsold #youngsavage
Shooting some headshots for JD Rellek. I miss this camera. Most of the shots I do are with my phone now, but this beast fits my hand so well. #7D #camera #jdrellek #zerflin
Nya: “Nuta, what does this picture frame say?” Me: “It says ‘Happy Mothers Day’.” Nya: “What about Daddy’s and Nuta’s?” Me: “They have a different day. Father’s Day.” Nya: “That’s silly. They should have it on the same day, and call it ‘Family Day’.” …I can’t argue with that. :D #kids #smart #mothersday #fathersday
New Video! – How to fix the annoying whitespace on the new Google+ design.
Simple problem, simple solution.
But oh look, Facebook actually had more whitespace…
Opossums are not very smart creatures. This one caught himself between the corner of the garage and a steel pipe. #opossum #opossumtrap #youngsavage
This site is coming together rather nicely. #zerflin #design #highlandrunners
Nomnom. Good fodder for designing a green website. #oreos #mint #milk #youngsavage