I scrolled through all your answers to the bottom of the page where I saw a teeny tiny little button that said “Block Benjamin Jancewicz.” I don’t know why that button would even exist on the page of such a wonderfully witty and fantastic man.
LOL. Well, thank you. But some people don’t want to hear what I have to say, so they should be given the option.
I, monster – Daydream in blue
I, monster – Daydream in blue:
What was a book you read that changed you life?
That’s a tough one. The Bible might be a cliché answer, but it continues to change my life on a regular basis as I read more of it. There have been many. Mere Christianity (Lewis) influenced the way I see religion. Why Black People Tend To Shout shaped my views on race. A Light In The Forest helped me identify myself within my rather confusing surroundings. I read a great deal of Asimov and Heinlein, when I was young, which helped shape my view of technology and the future.
Ask me another question, I’ll be honest.
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