Building out the Remember the Miners website so @mikehilarious can build it. #design #website #youngsavage @brightline_int @rememberminers
Tamika showing off the clothes we bought today. $10 for the whole outfit! #clothes #thrift #stylish #youngsavage
I came up with a new way to hang Tamika’s dresses. They always fall off the hangers. This can be done with any dress on any hanger. #dress #dresses #hanger #closet #idea
“Look Nuta, I’m a Fighter-Fighter.” #kids #cute #youngsavage
Looks like one of the drives for @ayinde7’s computer is dead-on-arrival. Oh well, 2/3 ain’t bad. Now it’s refund time. #zerflin #ebay #harddrives #bdco
New Video! – Examining the Jancewicz’s roof at 4211 Potter St.
I need help getting my roof fixed, so I got up there and showed that it looks like.
Brand new page for the West Park Arts Fest. This year is going to be the biggest one yet! #westparkartsfest #zerflin #facebook #design
New Video! – Examining the Jancewicz’s roof at 4211 Potter St.
I need help getting my roof fixed, so I got up there and showed that it looks like.
On his way out. I did all I could for him, and salvaged the parts I could. Such a pity to see such a large (and working!) screen go to waste. Proprietary hardware is nobody’s friend. #imac #g5 #screen #mac #youngsavage @starpuck @welpekatze