
Mood: Lonely .: Holes Inside :.
Listening to: .: Linkin Park – Session :.
Reading: .: Indians are Us? :.
Watching: .: One Day in September :.


The revolution has begun. Visit zerflin.com/ethnic and log on.

I’m healing from the crash, my knee is almost all better.

I feel completely unbalanced. I feel so empty all the time, and out of touch. I fumed yesterday when I found out I wasn’t told about a chapel on campus about the movie Sarafina; even though some of my closest friends had gone.

I left the headlight of my bike on again, and the battery died.

I don’t know, I just don’t feel myself. Or very happy. But those are related.
I’m feeling taller, I wonder if I’ve grown again. My voice is cracking a lot, I think I strained it when I sang in Gospel Choir.
I have band practice at 6, and I don’t entirely feel like going.
I went to the loan exit session. I owe a lot of money. I don’t know how I’m going to do it all with only making 200$ a month.

I DON’T want sleep, I get too much of that. I just want to feel awake. I want to feel alive.

I need to spend some time alone with God.

As soon as I eat this cookie, I’ll feel right as rain.


Last night I had a dream that was too real for me to handle. It took over my entire being, and engulfed me in a longing for that dream to simply be true.

It might be, given that 85% of my dreams turn into Deja Vu.

….unless I talk about them….

Last night, I dreamt Caroline walked up me, and pressed a note into my palm. IT was thick, many sheets folded many many times. It was scented, as her letters always had been. Not purposely, of course, that was just way she smelled.
I knew immediately it was a dream, not because of the emotion I was getting from her (I usually wake myself up from revulsion if I have dreams about her loving me) but because of mental imagery that kept flashing up.

A sequence kept playing over and over. We planted a small tree together, by a small brook. She rips it up, and walks off. I sob over the ruined tree for a while, and then lift it up and walk slowly away. She eventually returns and looks at the hole in the ground where the tiny tree once stood.

This played over and over; a dream within a dream.

I slid open the letter, and read the first few lines. It was heartfelt, not simple, not flippant. It was the Caroline I knew.
She looked deeply at me, and apologized. It was so strong, I almost forgave her immediatly. I couldn’t contain the emotion, turned away, and told her I would read it. She departed, leaving me clutching the letter.

Then I woke up.

I sat in the dim morning light, looking at my hands where moments before I had the letter that would have given the answers to all my turmloil. It was gone. I could still feel the paper on my fingers.

I could have at that point fallen back to sleep and began to read the letter. But I held back. I don’t want to live in a fantasy. All I wanted was real love.

The dream hit me so hard, I checked out some old poetry I had written for her.

Finally Sunshine

Song currently playing: The Oneders – That Thing You Do

YAY! We have sunshine, and I have 4 days off in a row! I spent all day yesterday working on the van, I’m fixing some minor rust spots. I parked it on the side of the house, and have been primering it, popping off the trimming, and sanding bad areas down. I did break one thing unfortunately; the piece of plastic that covers the back hitch. I’m going to see if I can replace it or get a piece of Plexiglas to put over it.

Today I’m going to take apart the dashboard to see if I can figure out what’s going on with my running lights.

I got to talk to my Dad yesterday, we must have talked for two hours or something. It was great. I don’t often get to talk with my parents as much as I’d like because I’m so busy.
I gave him the address of my page, so he may visit (I hope!).

Gotta run, I need to get to lunch and then work on the book business.

Tonight I’m going out to the movies with ISA, so I know I’m going th have a good time. 🙂

Zerflin, Farg, ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ

Hi Miss!

I guess I should tell you about myself. I’m 13 years old, I’m an America, um, I’m an inventor, uh, cartoonist, what else… uh… missionary, um, bookwriter (sci-fi, mostly), computer expert (IBM, mostly), bookworm, and musician.

I like History, English, Gym, Home-Ec, ITT, I hate Math, and I’m not sure about Biology & Geography. Oh yes, I like Computers.

My favourite food is macaroni, and I cook it my own way. Such as, um, say adding processed cheese to it, or adding a cheese packet to it, or, after it is cooked, adding milk to it, or Parmesan cheese, or just eating it plain, but NEVER putting sauce on it. I HATE tomatoes. The only time I eat them is either at the cafeteria or on pizza.

My house has a huge video and book library, if you want to borrow any.

So Miss, what do you like to do?

I have a dog named Sam and a cat named Katy.

I am going to be moving soon to another part of town. There we will have a fenced in yard to protect the pets (we have had a number of pets, mostly cats that died, Katy’s kittens) and that house will be ours (we are renting now). You will have no trouble finding our new house, because it will be the only house in town with 3 dormers, an add-on on the back, a connected garage, and a LARGE greenhouse. The dormers are already built, they were done this summer.

I have a crush on Shannon Uniam, across the hall in Secondary 1. She’s not in Secondary 3 because her birthday is October 29, and I skipped a grade.

Whew! Now I’ll let you write.

Dear Ben,

(Do you prefer Ben or Benjamin?) Well! This has been a very detailed description of yourself. Hmmm… It’s great to have a dish that you know how to cook just so. I like the way I make scrambled eggs. I add vegetables, herbs, and a bit of spice. I also make a pretty good spaghetti sauce—I guess you wouldn’t like it, though. Another specialty I used to have was chocolate chip cookies. My room-mate’s Dad loved them!

Pets… My parents have a very cute dog, Milo. I love them visiting them ad having her to walk and hang out with. They also have a cat. It’s O.K.—Fluffy—but I’m not usually a big cat freak. My sister’s cat, Ed, has lots of personality so my aversion to cats is put aside with her. Yes, the cat is female and yes, it’s named Ed. I want to get a puppy. I need to finish fixing up my “pad”. I should be ready to receive a pup in a couple of weeks. Your new house sounds great! Moving into a new place can be really hectic but a lot of fun too, especially when the new place has character!

As for crushes… I don’t have one on anybody right now. I imagine I’m too busy getting set up. Also, I haven’t met anybody I’d really want to have a crush on! Oh well, life goes on.

Write again—G