My friend Elisa d’Olivier Ndombele tagged me with these questions, so here it goes.
- Been arrested? No. I never got caught for most of the stuff I did.
- Kissed someone you didn’t like? No. I don’t think it’s ever come to that.
- Slept in until 5 PM? Yes. Past that. I lost consciousness in the hospital when I had an episode where I wasn’t sleeping enough.
- Ran a red light? Yes. But only when it wouldn’t change because my motorcycle was too light.
- Been suspended from school? Nope. Comparatively, I was a good kid… comparatively…
- Experienced love at first sight? Yes. And it’s worked out pretty well!
- Totaled your car in an accident? No. Though there were a couple accidents where I should’ve let the car be totaled and moved on. I just hate letting things like that go.
- Been fired from a job? No. Though I have been given an ultimatum, in which I left on my own accord. It wasn’t pretty.
- Fired somebody? Yes, quite a few. I’ll fire a client if the trouble of dealing with them outweighs any benefit that they might have.
- Sang karaoke? Yes. “Stacy’s Mom” in Ocean City.
- Pointed a gun at someone? No. Never.
- Had a gun pointed at you? Yes. Lots of times. Once by my classmate, and several times by the cops.
- Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes. Sadly.
- Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes! Though not as filling as it’s cracked up to be.
- Kissed in the rain? Yes.
- Had a close brush with death (your own)? Yes. Many many times.
- Seen someone die? Not yet. It’s probably going to happen, though, and it won’t be easy.
- Played spin-the-bottle? Yes. But not for kissing.
- Smoked a cigar? Yes. A couple puffs. It was pretty noxious.
- Sat on a rooftop? Yes. All the time.
- Smuggled something into another country? Yes. Though the Canadian border isn’t exactly the Berlin Wall.
- Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes. Repeatedly.
- Broken a bone? No. And I’m pretty surprised by this.
- Skipped school? No. Never saw the point.
- Eaten a bug? Yes. But accidentally. And on a motorcycle.
- Sleepwalked? Yes. I wrote a term paper while asleep once.
- Walked a moonlit beach? Yes. It’s not all that great unless the moon is full. Otherwise it’s a lot like walking over broken plates and slugs in bare feet while blindfolded.
- Rode a motorcycle? Yes. Over and over and over.
- Dumped someone? No. Not once.
- Lied to avoid a ticket? No. I have talked my way out of several, though.
- Ridden in a helicopter? No. But I REALLY want to.
- Shaved your head? Yes! Just this past October
- Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes. It’s not fun.
- Eaten snake? No. But I’m interested.
- Marched or Protested? Yes. Many times.
- Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? Yes. It was a letdown.
- Puked on an amusement ride? No. I’m not that susceptible to motion sickness.
- Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Yes. Multiple times on campus.
- Been in a band? 4 times so far.
- Been on TV? No. Not anything that anyone would have seen.
- Shot a gun? Yes. Mostly rifles.
- Skinny-dipped? Yes. It’s fun!
- Gave someone stitches? Yes. I busted his nose.
- Ridden a surfboard? Not yet! I WILL though.
- Drank straight from a liquor bottle? Yup. Rum is good to drink this way.
- Had surgery? Yes, on my foot.
- Streaked? No.
- Taken by ambulance to hospital? No. I drove myself.
- Passed out when not drinking? No. I’ve never really been drunk.
- Peed on a bush? Yup.
- Donated Blood? Yes. Once for a drive, once for the money.
- Grabbed electric fence? No, that would be dumb.
- Eaten crocodile meat? Not yet.
- Killed an animal when not hunting? Yes. Roadkill. I felt bad.
- Peed your pants in public? No.
- Sneaked into a movie without paying? Yes. At the 5$ theatre in Groton, CT.
- Written graffiti? Yes, a lot.
- Still love someone you shouldn’t? No. Not even a little.
- Been in handcuffs? Yes. I was playing with a pair and had to saw them off.
- Believe in love? Yes.
- Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yup. Always on the right.
- Regretted marrying anyone? Not at all.
- If you could have a do-over, would you change your life? Probably not change, but tweak.